HMFF7-I Really Loathe You

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Chapter 7....I Really Loathe You

I was emotionally and physically drained. When Dawson left for work this morning, I called in sick. Normally I'm not one to play hooky, but I couldn't face the looks today. I could face them before because I knew that they were false, rumors. Nothing but jealous gossip, not anymore. I was nothing but a little Jezebel. I had gone and sown my wild oats, and now I had to sleep in my sin infested bed. I'm not that kinda girl, but last night I was. Oh was I. I don't even know who that was last night. I was never one to throw all caution to the wind. I was one to always plan everything out in great detail, and have a backup strategy. I weighed out all the pros and cons. Obviously alcohol and Danielle make for a very lethal combination. No wonder my father used to call it liquid courage. Everything was flashing back to me. I was going to have to burn those lacy panties. There was no redemption for them. There was no redemption for me. I had turned into the one thing my grandmother had always warned me about, a Hoochie. How could something so "sinful" feel so right? I felt so torn. I was beyond confused at this point. I really didn't know how to feel.

Sure maybe I'm being a little dramatic about this. But I had just given the one gift I was raised to believe was so treasured and special to my fake future husband, and I hated myself. What did I do now? What did Dawson think about all of this? Did he even care? How was this going to affect our arrangement? Does this technically make me a prostitute? I do not feel like Julia Roberts right now. I couldn't think about this anymore. I decided to take a shower, and pay my sister a visit. She always knew how to cheer me up.

"Dani are you okay?" My sister asked looking at me and my pain stricken face.

"Ha! I'm over the moon," I stated flopping my head on her counter, and then rubbing my head afterwards. Abby was cleaning Bryson's sippy cup when she noticed my ring. I forgot to take it off and leave it at Dawson's. I knew she would start asking me questions. I didn't want to lie to her, but I had to.

"Um Dani, what's that on your hand?" Abby asked.

A ring that my fake fiance gave me in exchange for my virginity! That I oh so easily gave to him. There was no struggle. None at all.

"My engagement ring," I sighed. I decided to lying was the safer option.

"Since when are you freaking engaged?" She spat. She was giving me the look. You know the look your best friend gives you when you've left them out of the secret.

How do I explain this?

Well sis you see, um since I hit my head that day and gave myself a concussion, and trust me I've been questioning my judgement ever since.

"Since I sold my soul to the Devil himself, and then slept around with him, handing him my v-card on a silver platter," I cried. "I'm a freaking Jezebel!" It all came out like word vomit. At least it wasn't a full lie this time.

"Dani, you're not a Jezebel because you had sex!" She laughed. I loved my nonjudgmental sister. But I was confused, wasn't she suppose to be telling me that I messed up? Wasn't she supposed to be scolding me on behalf of our mother?

"Well, right now I sure feel like one," I cried.

"I'm guessing you had sex with the man you're engaged to?" She pried for information. I just nodded my head. "Who are you engaged to Dani?"

Some sex addict that's paying me to pretend to be his fiancé.

"Dr. Dawson Conn," I stated waiting for her brain to explode.

She sat there in silence. I was waiting for her reaction but it never came. "You're engaged to a freaking doctor?" She laughed. She laughed so hard she cackled. I was scared she was going to pass out from laughter.

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