HMFF19-The Storm

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Chapter 19...The Storm


I woke up around 5 o'clock and decided to go for another run. I was still mad about the whole Andrew deal. The guy had no morals, I mean Danielle's married and most of all she's pregnant.

Who hits on a pregnant woman?

When I was thru with my jog walked quietly back inside so I wouldn't wake anyone.

"Now Andrew I know things didn't work out the way you wanted them to, but you have to move on. Danielle's married, and she has a kid," Owen stated.

"But Sir, I love her! You knew I had planned on purposing to her while she was here," Andrew growled.

Ah ha! So I was right, he's pissed at me because I threw a wrench in his plans.

"Andrew I love you like a son, but grow up, and get over it. And if I hear of you making any more trouble between Danielle and Dawson, we'll have trouble. You hear that?" Owen stated firmly.

I was scared half to death when Danielle wrapped her arms around me.

"Eavesdrop much?" She teased.

"I didn't mean to I came in from jogging and they were in there talking," I stated.

Danielle and I decided to walk into the kitchen together that way tension wasn't as bad. I grabbed a cup of coffee, and Danielle grabbed a cup of milk.

"When you gonna start breakfast?" Owen teased Danielle.

"Daddy, I just woke up for goodness sake. Give me a minute," she laughed.

"Okay but only one," he laughed.

"Danielle is there anything you'd like me to help you with?" I asked truly wanting to help. I didn't want her to get worn out making breakfast for everybody.

"Wait a minute Doc cooks?" Owen asked. Danielle just nodded her head giggling. "Well is he any good?"

"He's the best, he's honestly better than me," Danielle replied.

"Ha, I've gotta see this," Owen teased. "Make sure you wear you're apron." Owen stated tossing his hair like a woman. I knew he was laughing at me.

He won't be laughing after he eats my cooking.

Danielle and I were cooking away when Abby walked into the kitchen with the boys in hand. Bryson and Hudson ran to Owen, and he pulled them both up in his lap. One on each knee. He truly was a big ole teddy bear when it came to his family, especially grandkids.

"Danielle, you mentioned earlier that you were pregnant with many are there exactly?" Owen asked. "I only ask cause your brother surprised me with the trips."

"We're expecting twins, Daddy!" Danielle replied. "They're fraternal twins, a boy and a girl."

"Well I bet you're excited!" Owen replied smiling. I secretly knew he was proud to be a granddad again. "Hudson are you excited to be a big brother?" Hudson just nodded his head in agreement, he wasn't entirely awake yet.

"I'm gonna be a good big brober," Hudson stated.

"I bet you will be," Owen replied smiling.

"Daddy where are Matthew, McKeena, Madison, and Mason?" Danielle asked cooking the eggs.

"Well I guess Matthew's still asleep on the couch, and the triplets are in his bed," Owen simply replied. "Hey boys, you wanna have some fun? Let's go wake up Uncle Matthew." Bryson and Hudson took off for the den, where Matthew was sleeping.

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