Wolf 6

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"Well that's the first." was Grandmother's greeting as I pushed open her cottage door. I gave a small smile as i closed the door behind me, the smell of cinnamon filling my nose. Grandmother is beside her cauldron again, mixing a clear blue liquid and herbs.

I removed my riding hood and draped it over my favorite chair. "He's from my school." I said as i sat across from her. "How's your day, Grandmother?" 

Grandmother placed her hand over the mixture, and as usual, she started murmuring unintelligible words. I think they're in Latin. Or Greek. Some old language. I waited for her to finish and as I do, I started traveling my eyes all over the cylindrical cottage where she lives.

There's no divider. Her bed is located at the north, kitchen at the south, fireplace and sofas at the east, and shelves at the west. The wooden floor is covered by random carpets of different colors and prints. Different sizes of colored bottles which contain unknown liquids and solids lined the shelves. There are also thick and old worn out books that are piled over the tables and the floor. 

The place is dusty but neat. And it never fails to fascinate me.

"Aha!" Grandmother exclaimed and I turned to look at her. Suddenly, the blue liquid started bubbling from the middle and the color slowly turned to a bright red. Almost the color of blood.

I walked closer to her. "Woah." i breathed in awe. "That's wicked." 

Grandmother grinned at me. "Wicked, isn't it?" she gestured to the red liquid. "It's for werewolves' bite." 

I nodded thoughtfully. "Only if they're fast enough to get one before they turn into wolves themselves." Then i grinned, putting one arm over Grandmother's shoulders. "How's your day, Grandma? I hope you didn't stay all day doing this potion." 

Grandmother laughed and she leaned her head on my shoulder. "I'm fine, Kyungsoo, my dear." she smiled, patting my face with her free hand. "And i didn't stay all day in here. I went to the market to fill my storage."

I nodded in appreciation then i held her hand and led her to the sofas. Grandmother let go of her wooden stirring rod and she let me help her walk. She's not really weak. I just like doing this for her. 

She slowly settled on her giant cushion, pulling a blanket over her legs. "So back to my first statement." she said in a serious voice. 

"Got some tea?" I blurted out, walking to the kitchen and rummaging through the cupboards. I pulled a box of tea bags and started heating up some water. Grandmother still uses the oven in here.

"Kyungsoo..." Grandmother called. "He's dangerous."

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