Chapter Eight

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I know it's been a long time since I last updated! I'm so sorry:( I hate making excuses... but, a lot has happened in the past month or so and I have just had all of my mock exams so I haven't had any time to finish the next chapter. It's short so I apologise for that too.

I was so shocked at all the comments I got on my last chapter.. Thank you so much! I've also reached over 1,000 reads on this and I don't think I can thank you all enough... Anyway, here's the next chapter! enjoy:) x

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I picked up my folders, hugging them to my chest as I pulled my backpack onto one shoulder before walking out of my history class. I didn't speed walk like I normally would and instead hung back until everyone else had left; there was no reason to rush as my father would not be home again today. I had woken up to a note saying that he would be staying at a friend's house... yet again. He had been doing the same every at least two weeks now.

I couldn't complain though as my life was finally looking up. My best friend Freya, yes she now claims that I'm her best friend, has brought the rest of my smile back. Sure, I can't be completely happy, but I'm broken so it's expected right? However, I feel like Ethan is my good luck charm – ever since I had started writing to him, everything seems to be improving. I don't have a mum though and I technically don't have a father and, in my opinion, family is the most important thing; Ethan can't change that no matter how much I want him to. It's impossible. Ethan said nothing is impossible, though. He said that we could meet one day and that fate was in our favour. I'm not sure I believe him – do I want to believe him? What if he meets me and gets disappointed? He'd refuse to even be friends with me afterwards and I couldn't deal with that.

I realised at this point that it was almost 4 o'clock and I was hovering outside of the music room during my thoughts. I slowly took half a step backwards, leaning back to get a clearer view of the hallway, and looked both left and right to see if anyone was around. All students should be home by now, depending on how far away from school they live from school, and both teachers and cleaners would be stepping into their cars any minute now. When I saw no one was around, I tested the door handle of the music room to see if it was locked or not. When it successfully opened, I snuck in and closed the door gently behind me. The music room was my favourite in the school; I didn't take music, though. The room itself was beautiful; the wide, tall roof reminded me of a church. There was a wide open space and the floor was made of wooden planks that were obviously polished, cleaned and looked after very well. There was a stage at the front of the room – upon which had a grand piano and many other classical instruments. On the other side of the room, there was a wall of different guitars hanging up on stands; they were all different colours and there were both acoustics and electric guitars. Two drum kits were nearby to this wall, both facing each other. Tables and chairs were distributed around the room and were decorated with doodles and paintings by the students. The school took pride in their music; it was obvious just looking at the room. A huge amount of money must have been spent on all the equipment and decorations in here but it was all to develop the already existing great talent in our school.

I slipped my backpack off of my shoulder and placed it on the table to my left before walking slowly towards the stage, spinning around in admiration. My pace increased slightly as I stepped up onto the stage and I went over to the piano. I ran my fingers along the keys; it was magnificent. A small, rectangular stool stood in front of the piano and I sat down. Do I play? What if I get caught? I haven't played the piano or sung since at my mother's funeral – she spent a lot of my childhood teaching me how to play. I shook my head slightly before placing my fingers on the correct keys. I took a deep breath and started singing as I pressed the keys.


When I had finished the song I heard clapping at the door, making me jump up quickly and turning around to face the intruder. I was startled as I didn't think anyone was still here. Stood at the open door was a boy that looked no older than 17. I could feel my cheeks burning as I blushed when he stopped clapping.

"That was... amazing!" he announced.

"S-sorry, I didn't think anyone else was here and I-I-" I rambled.

"It's fine! I just forgot my music sheets."

"Oh..." I stated, dumbly.

"Do you take music?"

"No, No! I'm not good enough..."

"Have you heard yourself? You're incredible! I've never heard someone with such a great talent!"

"T-thank you," Cue the blushing again.

"I should get going, but I'll see you around?" He asked hopefully as he picked up an old, fragile notebook that was rested on a table by the acoustic guitars.

"Sure," I smiled as he turned, "W-wait!"

He turned back once more and said "My name is Seb, angel." Before walking out of the music room, notebook in hand.

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A new character... ooh! You'll be seeing a lot more from Seb;') Hope you liked it and yet again, I'm sorry for the late update and the fact that most of it is dialogue. The song I imagined her playing/singing was 'For the love of a daughter' by Demi Lovato. It's a song I listen to most when I'm upset and I thought it related to Rachel quite a lot. The song is on the side (if it works) Thank you for reading!

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