Chapter III

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Chapter III

“Our meal is meal is ready, Jade.” Nikaitor has already set up the food on the dresser. “I did not order any earth food since I thought it would be better if you grew accustomed to the food we will eat regularly.”

“I don’t know what I will like.” I tell him. He tugs me over to the displayed food and begins describing the tastes. I take a little of everything and watch as Nikaitor fills his plate. We eat with occasional talking, but soon I can’t wait for one explanation.

“Will, I get to see my father... before we leave?”

“As of right now, I would allow it. But I’ve heard that you female humans can be very...” He paused looking for a word, “Diabolical.” He finally stated. “I will reward you if you continue your behavior. You hold your father dear?”

“My mom.. she never had much time for me. My mom was 19 and my dad was 22 when my mother gave birth to me.

"My mother wanted to have an abortion, but my dad stopped her. He told her he would pay her to have me.” I feel tears flood my eyes, but I push past it. I want him to know me. “My father gave her the money, paid for the hospital bills, and even gave her a nice place to stay while she was pregnant with me. When I was born she didn’t stick around for very long. I’ve met her once or twice.. She comes to my father when she needs money, or food. As if my father’s family disowning him wasn’t enough she has to keep coming back for more. She’s like a damn stray cat. Once you feed her, she’ll never leave.” I laugh.

“Why do you laugh? A mother abandoning her child is nothing to cause humor.”

I look up into his incredibly icy turquoise eyes and am stunned at the true concern there. “No. You’re right, it’s not-”

“What is an abortion, Jade? From the way you said the word I can tell you do not like it.”

“An abortion is when a woman gets pregnant and wants to get rid of the baby before it’s born.”

“Why would a female wish to get rid of the gift she carries in her body? It is not sensible.”

“My mother was young. Lots of girls get pregnant young-”

“Your world is confusing. Doesn’t your Lief.. er, God look down upon mating with a male who isn’t you chooser?”

“Well, yes, but some people don’t care. They believe that God is all forgiving. And I believe he is as well, but only if you’re really sorry. You shouldn’t just expect it.”

“I am happy that your father was a good protector to you, at the least. I am glad he saved you from the female that birthed you. I will be proud to meet him.”

“He may be mean to you at first... I’m all he has left, you know.” I look down at the black sheet and pick at it with my fingers. “We should probably go to bed, huh?” I look up to see him tilt his head.

“To bed or to sleep?” He questions honestly curious rather then expectantly.

I weigh the options in my  head. I look him over and decide that escape is impossible. So either A.) I could prolong the inevitable, or B.) I could just get on with it.  I seen no option c.) at this point.

“We have to talk conditions first.” I whisper. I expect him to get angry. Instead he nods and lifts his fingers hesitantly to skim over my knuckles.

“Okay.” His deep voice is quiet, once again I can tell he strained to keep it that way. I could also tell he was, again, trying to keep from scaring me off.

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