Chapter IV

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Chapter IV

Nikaitor’s hard grip on my arm hurt- but I would never admit it. I jerked roughly trying to get away and then I was suddenly thrown back onto the bed. Before I could Move Nikaitor was pulling my wrists up to the headboard and then I felt cloth tighten. I screamed and fought harder kicking wildly. I felt a few of my frantic hits mark spot. If it wasn’t for the flinch I wouldn’t have thought he’d even felt it.

“I am only restraining you until you can calm yourself.” He sat on the edge of the bed a safe distance away from me. “I am going to shower and then go get us our meal.”

I felt my body give up on escaping the restraints. I’d have to save my strength. He stood up and began walking towards the bathroom then he stopped and looked back at me. I turned my face away from him. I was going to cry and I didn’t want him to see it.

“I am apologetic. I didn’t want to restrain you. I liked it much better the previous night.” He sighed and finally went into the bathroom I let tears escape while I noticed in the background the sound of running water was louder then before I turned to peek and saw that he hadn’t closed the door behind him. I turned back onto my side as much as my tied wrists would allow. My tears fell freely, knowing I would only have a limited time to myself.

I woke up to a calloused finger stroking my cheek bone. I peeked open a eye and found Nikaitor leaning over me.

“I brought food. I let you sleep past our second meal. Are you still sore, Jade?” I shook my head. I was tender. Not sore. The ache hadn’t completely gone away, but it wasn’t bothersome.

He nodded and reached for the knot between my wrists. The material fell away and I pulled my wrists to my chest to rub at them. Nikaitor went to the dresser where he’d left the tray of food. I worked on sitting up.

My back was sore my the position I’d been in and the inability to move. Nikaitor handed me a plate and unlike the other times we’d eaten it was quiet. Neither of us spoke; Nikaitor probably not wanting to make me angry, and me to angry to want to talk to him. I picked around at my food.

“We will be leaving to my planet soon.” He said through my head. I answered with a nod, fighting the lump in my throat. He wasn’t going to let me see my dad. I pushed the food away from me carefully feeling suddenly sick to my stomach. My head spun and I jumped off the bed running to the bathroom and emptying my stomach into the round bowl their equivalence to a toilet. I felt something cool around my neck and was shocked to find Nikaitor by my side holding my sunshine colored hair out of my face- save my bangs that stuck to my forehead from the sudden perspiration. Nikaitor twisted my hair back leaving the cool cloth resting on the back of my neck while he got up and went beside the bed.

My stomach rolled again and I leaned over the foreign toilet hurling again. Nikaitor was back again stroking the side of my neck and pulling me back against his chest- away from the flushing toilet. His warmth was nice as I started shivering suddenly from the cold metallic floor under my legs.

“Our healer will be here soon, Jade.” He whispered pressing his mouth to my shoulder. while his hand held mine. The gesture was comforting. They didn’t hold hands here, but he was holding my hand now anyway. I let my back rest against his chest My head lulling back on his shoulder while he pressed his cheek against my hair, whispering soft words through my head that I made no meaning of. My eyes were heavy and my body felt weak. So much for keeping my strength, I thought to myself wryly before passing out.

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