Chapter 4

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Kelly and Raidon arrived at the safe house Murray had prepared for them, the next morning. It was a small cottage on the edge of the city where they would get some privacy. It was fully equipped to handle the surveillance and tracking of Kelly during their latest job, as well as having two men ready as back-up. Raidon felt pretty sure that whatever stupid plan Kelly was devising, was going to end up a disaster. His people could keep him in check, no matter what ridiculous plan he was formulating inside his thick skull. It wouldn't be smart enough to deceive the Waynflete Agency and its top agents. The moment Kelly was out of the car, Raidon put the handcuffs back on him, despite his many protests and led him inside.

"McCall, Santos, this is Kelly. Our prisoner for however long this ridiculous escapade lasts." He complained as he pushed Kelly into the room. McCall instantly guided him into a chair so that he could be scanned for tracking devices and anything else that could cause them problems in the next few weeks. They wouldn't have been surprised if he had managed to get hold of a weapon or two in prison, hoping it would help him escape. But his scan came up clean. While McCall continued to fuss around Kelly, dialing in the tracker number to his computer, to keep an eye on where Kelly was at all times, Santos stepped forward and handed Raidon a piece of paper.

"Raidon, we've had a message from your crew. When they couldn't contact you, they sent word to Murray for his help." He explained with a knowing sigh. It seemed that no-one got along with Murray. But in this instance, Raidon was glad that Fred and Amilo had known to take advantage of Murray's close proximity while they could, especially with him out of contact for the next few weeks. He only hoped that it wasn't anything too serious. He pulled out his mobile and thanked Santos before calling out.

"Hi Fred. Santos said you've called in Murray, just give me the rundown so I know what's going on." He asked, trying to stay calm and hope for the best. He just didn't expect to hear the explanation Fred gave him. He told him about how reckless Joe was being, how he was seducing targets and had been caught a few times, how he had treated Seth and how uncomfortable it made the kid. He even admitted to how Seth refused to work as long as the situation went unresolved. He was a good guy with skills they needed on their team, they couldn't afford to lose them because Joe was a jackass with ideas above his station. If he was honest, he almost wished that he was there at the apartments in Ashfield so that he could deal with Joe himself. He would kick his ass into touch before there was a problem to worry about.

But as long as Murray was on the case, he was sure it would be handled well and Seth would feel better and be able to stay in the team without feeling singled out. "Alright. I've got to take Kelly to his new home, so text me with Murray's decision so I know what's happening." Raidon rounded off the conversation with a sigh, hoping to God nothing went wrong that jeopardized his leadership of the crew. He had worked damned hard to get to where he was after Reed left. And although Murray had been a stick in the mud about a lot of things, he had also supported him.

Fred signed off with a promise to keep in informed of the crew's comings and goings, sure that Joe would be sacked the minute Murray heard about what he had been up to. He might even be getting a cell alongside Kelly, somewhere he could be kept safe and out of the way.

As soon as Raidon hung up, he turned to find Kelly sitting in his seat, looking bored as McCall typed away on his laptop and Santos made coffee. He found the smell enticing and decided that he could take his before he left. He took the offered cup when Santos was finished and sat himself down to wait on their transport. McCall was going to drive them to Karps' hideout, pretending to be a taxi Kelly had hired so he could look inconspicuous. Raidon was supposed to be some long lost cousin he had reacquainted himself with in the need of cash, and the two of them were going to claim to be looking for a new business venture to dip their toes into. Whatever ridiculous story Kelly finally came out with was sanctioned by Murray, so Raidon was only worried about how he would have to act and what Kelly was really up to.

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