Chapter 10

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Kelly knew his time had come when Karps began thinking aloud, wondering what jobs to give him and Raidon, to get his moneys worth out of them. If they were going to live under his roof, they had better work for it, and so Kelly thought that he would give his friend a few helpful pointers. They were sitting in the living room watching the morning news, as Karps ate a bowl of cereal, while Raidon stayed up in his room, preferring to spend his time alone when not working. It was the perfect opportunity. If he was going to get the run on Raidon, and escape his imprisonment, then he needed to make sure that his bodyguard was away from Karps' home base. And preferably, wouldn't discover his disappearance for a few days at least, to give him time to get away.

"You know, I was thinking about what you said, about sending Raidon out to work for his keep. It would be a great time to put my escape plan into action." Kelly suggested, as if the idea was just one in a million thoughts floating through his head at that moment. He didn't want to seem desperate to escape Raidon, or face any awkward questions about what he had been up to lately, and why that Raidon was babysitting him.

"I guess. But if you're not here, why would he keep working for me? Surely he'd just jump ship and leave to find you?" Karps wasn't sure he liked the idea of Kelly disappearing and leaving him one man short, after promising his services for this latest job of his. Every man had to hold his weight, and once again, Kelly was proving he wasn't capable of loyalty, strength or sticking around. Besides, he had his eye on Raidon for his own crew. He was a big guy, strong and fierce; he'd scare the heck out of some of his customers but he would also get the job done.

"Raidon? Nah. Not if we worked it right. If we send him off on a job, I can wait a few days for phone calls, then just disappear once he's checked in. He won't find out until he gets back and then it'll be so late he'll have no choice but to stay with you to pay you back." Kelly maintained with a laugh, trying to contain his composure. His nerves were jangling inside him. He wanted clear away from Raidon, the government agency that had captured him and the long gaze of his brother.

What he wanted was sunny climes, drinks with umbrellas and beautiful women in bikinis. So he just about exhaled deeply in relief when Karps reluctantly agreed to his imminent escape with a shrug. Kelly thought he was free and clear. "And just why do you want to get away from your own cousin so badly?" Karps wondered casually. He had almost forgotten their story and how Karps was one man to think that family was family no matter what. He tried not to hesitate before answering.

"He's not my cousin really. He's a pain in the ass bodyguard of an ex business associate trying to keep me in line. He said something about me being trouble and me owing him for help he gave me years ago. It's like a noose around my neck. He won't give me any breathing space. He's a bodyguard for the goon and if he knows I'm missing, he'll rat on me without blinking to think of what will happen to me." Kelly was forced to come up with another lie to cover the lie he had already told and just about blown open. It was all getting a little complicated and if he wasn't careful he was going to get into trouble. Luckily for him, Karps didn't want to debate it any longer. He was beginning to realize that as soon as Kelly left, Raidon would be free to join his crew and he had best not aggravate his prospective new worker by having too much to do with it.

"Alright. Wait two days after he's gone and then you can leave." Karps agreed, putting all his focus on his cereal as he polished off his breakfast. It was only ten minutes later when Raidon made his way into the living room, looking ready for the day and unwilling to put up with any backtalk. He nodded hello to him and waited until he was sitting before starting the conversation.

"I'm going to need you to head out to the Cranford Estate to meet some friends of mine. They need someone to represent my business but I have to be somewhere else to deal with some delicate documents. Are you up for the task?" Karps explained the situation as he and Kelly had just planned it. There was enough authority in his voice that Raidon didn't bother arguing, although he didn't like the idea. The whole point of the latest job with Kelly was to get an inside view of Karps' business dealings and arrest someone. He had not planned on taking Kelly on a road trip and being pushed aside.

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