Chapter 4 - First shower

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Before I start just saying if you guys don't mind giving me some feedback? Just want to know if this sucks or if it's ok...

You've been in the glade for five days now and feel gross from not showering. There is mud staining your kneecaps and shirt, plus a bit of one of Frypan's delicious meals. Your hair could be compared to spaghetti, greasy and stringy. It had definitely seen better days.

You walk up to the showers. Hmm... Pretty much just a wall with hoses coming out of it, with half walls in between. Obviously the builders built them with just enough privacy for boys, and girls should have twice as much. Which you guess is fair enough, they hadn't known you and Theresa would show up. Anyways, it was better than nothing.

You glance around to make sure no one is coming, luckily the showers are empty and everyone seems absorbed in their work. You don't yet have a job in the glade so you have a bit of free time, which you are meant to be using to take a closer look at the jobs, to see which one suits you the most, but surely one shower wouldn't hurt?

You turn on the water and quickly undress, worried someone was about to come in. Then you step under the flow. The first drops are like ice, which makes you spring out of the path of the spray. The second time you inch under the tap, the water is slightly warmer, more towards the temperature of a glass of tap water. there are thin slivers of soap which you use to clean the mud off, and eventually your worries melt away and you forget about the lack of modest coverage.

You tilt your face towards the shower, letting the cool droplets rain down on you. Then you hear a gasp. You whirl around and Newt is standing there, with a horrified look on his adorable face.

"Shuck Newt!" You squeal and grab the threadbare towel that is hanging on the wall, quickly covering as much of you as you can.

"Y/N I am so sorry! I didn't know you were in here! I should've checked! I'm such a slinthead, I wasn't thinking i'm so..."

"Newt, Newt calm down!" You say. His face is redder than a chilli-pepper and you see his adams apple bob as he  swallows nervously. "I mean, you didn't see anything right? So we can just forget this and move on," You are really embarrassed, but you know it would make things always awkward between you unless you laughed it off.

"Give me a minute, okay?" You ask him and he immediately retreats around the wall. Shaking slightly, you dress and squeeze out your wet hair, nervously smoothing it down with your fingers, trying to sort out some of the knots that refuse to disappear.

You go outside, and Newt is waiting patiently, his cheeks still pink. You giggle as you lean next to him. "so," You smile cheekily at him. "Why did you follow me into the showers?"

"Y/N I'm so sorry about that, I wasn't following you I swear I was just coming to get some soap for.." He stops when he sees you're joking. you both look at each other and burst out laughing, all traces of embarrassment suddenly float away and you grab his hand, pulling him up and start walking towards the deadheads.

On the way there, you notice Newt's limp again. You decide to be brave and ask him.

"Newt? Why are you limping, have you hurt yourself?" You look into his eyes, your face full of concern as you realise how much you care about his safety. Newt's own eyes drop to the floor and he looks sad. Heartbreakingly sad. You suddenly feel bad for asking him something that obviously hurt him so much to think about, but curiosity keeps you waiting for the answer.

"I... It's hard... to talk about.." He finally gets the words out, looking at you with eyes that are glistening with tears. He sinks to his knees, and you wrap your arms around his neck and lay your head on his shoulder, your mouth inches from his face.

"I thought we could tell each other anything?" You whisper into his ear, and you feel him sigh.

To be continued...

tell me what you think :)

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