Chapter 5 - First shower continued

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Newt's tears spill over as he thinks about his answer. You carefully wipe them away, waiting patiently for the words.
"I was a runner." He says it so quietly, his voice barely a whisper, that you think you misheard him.

"Sorry?" You tilt his chin towards you, so you can hear. Just touching him sends little shivers of electricity dancing through your veins.

"I was a runner! I hated being stuck in the glade, hated every day! I climbed halfway up those walls and jumped off! I tried to kill myself...." Newt breaks down, crying into his hands.

You are shocked. Newt seemed like the most reasonable, level-headed person you could ever meet, so this is a massive bombshell.

"Oh Newt.." You start, but words can't explain how sorry you are to have caused this emotion. Just minutes before you had been laughing and joking with him, but now he seemed so small and sad. Your hands ache to comfort him, hug him, run your fingers through his beautiful hair. But you feel awkward. You still hardly know him, and even though all you want to do is kiss his soft lips, you don't.

He stays on the ground, and you crouch beside him. The image of his shocked face when he saw you in the shower fills your mind. He had seen you completely off guard, which you realise had weirdly created a bond between you, so you decide that you can't resist comforting him any longer.

You slide your arms under his, his head moving onto your shoulder, and you hold him tightly. He grips back, keeping you close.

"I'm so sorry, Newt. I had no idea, it must hurt so bad, remembering. I understand if you hate me now for asking you such personal questions, I had no right," Then you start crying, tears leaking onto his neck as you consider the idea of Newt even disliking you, let alone hating.

"No, no, Love. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's better that you know. I think that it brings us closer to each other," and suddenly it's him comforting you. He softly wipes your tears away, just as you did for him. He rubs circles onto your back, his touch is soothing.

You start to stand up, but Newt places a hand on your arm.

"Please, Y/N, could we stay here a little longer?"

You smile, your heart thumping under your shirt. You let him gently pull you back against him, he wraps an arm around you and rests his chin on your hair.

"The stars are so beautiful," You say, looking up at the billions of glittering orbs, scattered across the black blanket of the sky. You look to Newt when he doesn't answer. He is already looking at you.

"Sure they are. But you're more beautiful," He says, then he blushes slightly, aware of how cheesy it sounds. A happy pink colour blooms in your cheeks, and you snuggle into his chest. His breathing slows, and so does yours. You hear his heart beat slow and yours matches it. You both slip into unconsciousness, guarded by the quiet, rustling trees and the silent stars.

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