Book 3⌇11. To Kill A Queen

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Chapter 11 ∣  To Kill A Queen


Annika rests with her back up against the stone wall, her knees pulled tightly to her chest as she wraps her arms around her legs. Her face is buried against her upper thighs and knees, trying to make herself as small as possible. I haven't seen her this broken since my father took her away from me. Her soft crying all but silences, her steady heart pounding within her chest as she attempts to calm her nerves.

This is the first time I've been stripped of my innate vampiric power, bringing a new sense of understanding to what I'd done to Annika when I'd taken her away from everything she had known a long time ago. Suppressing her blood magic had been cruel, taking a living part of her away and locking it up is identical to what has happened here.

It's a cold and distant feeling, not knowing whether my coven is alright, or if anyone else is dead at the hands of the hunters. I can't sense anything, and it won't matter anyway, it's not like I can help them. Not with the state that I'm in.

I can't even communicate with Annika...

Orion sighs, standing to his feet as he grips the silver bars, his knuckles going white. Glancing toward Annika's curled-up body and then glancing toward me as I lean against the stone wall, my arms crossed in front of my chest. His eyes meet mine, narrowing them for a moment before saying, "This is all my fault."

"I'm not arguing," I shrug my shoulders. It's true if he hadn't kidnapped my daughter, knowing I would pursue her, NONE of us would be in this situation. Henri, Darius, Eryx...and Rynn would still be alive.

Orion tenses, gripping the bars harder, "It appears that Evie and Lucca have escaped."

"You're assuming?" I ask, unsure of how he knows they have escaped from this underground nightmare.

Orion nods and replies, "It's simple...we'd already be dead by now. It's been at least a week."

"Evie is an excellent hide and seek player..." my words drifting off as I mentally slap myself for not realizing who she was sooner, and even more so for not trying to find her. I was wrong.

Orion releases the bars, taking a few steps to stand beside me, "We can still get out of this."

"Oh really, I'm all ears..." I growl at him. If he's thought of a plan and has waited this long to share it, I'm about to become more pissed off then I already am. I've been doing some planning of my own. Planning how slowly I will rip each limb from Kadessa's body and enjoy her screams of pain as she begs me to stop. As much as I covet each member of my coven, I've known Rynn long before anyone else had joined me.

Enos had introduced us a while back. Everyone had thought that we would end up together, but no, she was the little sister...I wish had been around longer...

She had taken such good care of Annika, accepting her before anyone else had once I had given her the choice of leaving or staying with me.

Rynn's death won't be in vain.


I haven't even stopped to think about her younger brother. They are only minutes apart, twins at birth. His hurt goes far beyond anyone else in the coven with their blood tie.

"Can we try to understand each other?" Orion asks cautiously.

I'm silent for a moment, my eyes shifting toward Annika's still form, "For her sake and Evie's, yes. If we survive this...I am sure we can come to some agreement and understanding."

Orion's features lighten at my words. I don't think he expected me to agree with him. I will do what I must to protect the lives of my family and my coven...for the vampire race. There are those that look to me and find strength in the decisions I make. If I agree to terms set by Orion and myself, they will have to listen...or go, rogue.

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