Book 3⌇15. Ascension of the Hunters

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Chapter 15 ∣  Ascension of the Hunters


It's our time to protect this coven.

My life was forever changed the moment Evicka rescued me from a life of torture and imminent death. It's time to repay the debt I owe her, the debt we ALL owe her. For once, we were the strongest among the group of hunters and vampires that stand behind us. The sun is on our side and it's time to see exactly what this vampiric blood can do.

The one downside to being a hunter, because we can't see so well in the dark, it hinders us during the day. Yes, we can see, but it's a little foggy. Our vision isn't the sharpest, but our other senses make up for it and if we focus solely on them, we will be able to overpower the seemingly unstoppable twins.

As if on cue, the sun's rays' glance off our weapons, causing me to squint. The sun is also affecting Kadessa and Enock, both raising their hands to keep away the light from their faces. Enock's hand is coated in blood from where Evicka had bitten him. It appears that he is in excruciating pain, his vision crossing as he stays next to his sister.

"Janie, Rainier," my eyes shift to each of them, their gazes locking with me, "let's end this."

Janie smirks, drawing an arrow and nocking it into the bow.

Even while I had been gone, I knew they had continued to train. Running into the hunting party that had been ordered by Enock and Kadessa, had forced them to fight our own kind. There will be no mercy, no second thought as we go after the lives of these two rangers, unwilling to see reason and change the world for the better. They don't deserve to live, after so many lives they took without just cause.

At least we know one thing for sure, Enock is not at his fullest, weakening by the second.

I breathe in deeply and then exhale, focusing on Kadessa. I will end her life and I will take great pleasure in it. Pressing the balls of my feet into the ground for balance, I push off and run straight for the twins.

Rainier files in right behind me, his steps shadowing my own until we are about twenty feet from the rangers. I roll out of the way and to the side, Rainier bringing one of his chain sickles over his head and launching it toward them. He isn't purposely aiming to strike them down, just to separate them. He succeeds in this tactic, Enock shoving his sister out of the way of the blade heading straight for them.

Kadessa staggers, catching herself as I appear beside her, slicing one of my blades at her neck. She pulls away, my dagger cutting through the fabric on her shoulder as she backflips out of my reach. She breathes slowly and just when I thought I missed her, blood stains her clothing, running down her forearm and coming down her wrist. The blood trickles to the ground, her right-hand touching where I'd cut her and pulling it back to see the blood lingering on her fingertips.

She must have heard Janie's bow as she rolls away from the arrow that is now embedded in the dirt. Another arrow flies near my head, passing by me and sailing at Kadessa as she lands solidly on the ground. She gasps, turning her body to the side, the arrow nicking the side of her neck and drawing blood.

Running close to me, Janie breathes out, "You want her, don't you?"

"Go after Enock with Rainier. Kadessa is mine," I reply, Janie, rushing away from me and nocking another arrow. Kadessa watches wearily, taking a few steps toward her before I launch myself at her back.

Kadessa isn't that ignorant, whirling around and grabbing my left wrist with her right hand. Before I can swing my other dagger at her, she pulls down on my wrist hard, gracefully jumping onto my shoulders and propelling herself into the air and away from me.

Ascension of the Hunters | 18+ ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora