7: Anxiety and Night Terrors

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I woke up at around 11 in the morning, my body feeling sore from sleeping so long. I stretched out as much as possible and flexed each muscle several times to regain the feeling in them. I went through the motions of my morning routine quickly as I had wasted enough of the day sleeping. As soon as I was done, I walked out of my room and down to the kitchens where I picked up an apple and munched it happily. I also grabbed a bottle of water and headed out.

I walked around the outside of the castle breathing in the fresh air and still trying to comprehend the magical realm. The gentle breeze was pleasant at first but became too chilly to stand so I ended my walk early and made my way back into the castle. A few steps from my chambers, looking out of the astrology tower stood the shadow like figure, cape billowing slightly to the left behind him in the wind. He sensed my presence and turned sharply, immediately making eye contact with me and as I opened my mouth to speak with him, an emotion similar to guilt or sadness had flashed across his features before he quickly turned the other way and power walked away.

I made my way into my chambers and shut the door before realizing what had happened. Thanks to my anxiety I instantly felt as if I had done something wrong, or done something to make him hate me. That was the only logical explanation for him ignoring me. I began to ruminate and think back on every moment yesterday trying to find some reason that he would hate me. Then it hit me.

"Oh my god he thinks I'm disgusting because I slept in so late today..."

I went into my office and grabbed what I needed before heading back to the living room and throwing myself into studying potions. I needed for him to see how hard I was working. I needed to stay on his good side. Why? I don't know I just feel an indescribable need to make him like me.


I look up at the clock to see that it's 11 o'clock at night. I had been writing notes for almost 12 hours without a break. I decide to go for a stroll down to the kitchens seeing as I hadn't eaten anything but the apple for breakfast. I hesitantly make may out of my chambers, praying that I don't run into the man who had caused my little break down. I made it only a few steps out of my rooms when I heard the gravelly voice sound from behind me.

"And where do we think we're going this time of night?" He asked.

"Umm I-I I was just uh-" I looked down at his hands to see him holding a sleeping draught. I look into his eyes for the first time.

"I came to see if you were still awake and in need of this," he raised the vial in his hands. I nodded and led him back into my chambers. We didn't make it far before my stomach let out a hefty growl, indicating the fact that I was starving. I immediately flushed crimson and he raised an eyebrow at me. "What have you eaten today?" he asked in a tone that made me feel like he didn't actually care.

"A-An apple Sir." I looked down, feeling myself unable to stare into his eyes, feeling like if I did I was allowing him access to my deepest darkest secrets. He grunted and called out for Merril, who appeared instantly.

"Bring me two plates of grilled chicken with asparagus." He said flatly.

"Oh I can't uh. I'm a vegetarian." I explained feeling horrible for some unknown reason.

"Just like your father," he said under his breath and I wasn't sure if I was even meant to hear it.

"Can I just have a salad please." I smiled at Merril still feeling weird about the whole servant thing.

"Make that two," Snape said as monotonous as ever and flicked his hand away, dismissing Merril.

His eye's land on the stacks of paper in the living room and then return to me before cocking an eyebrow. "I was a bit anxious today so I finished taking notes on all of the potions in the book," I smiled sheepishly. He looked at me again confused as if to ask why I was compelled to do all of this. "You avoided me... I thought I had done something wrong." I admitted and instantly looked down, feeling bad for speaking on my feelings.

"I was very busy." He tried.

"Is that why you were staring out of the astronomy tower before practically sprinting away? If I didn't know any better I'd say you felt guilty about what happened with my father," he looked up shocked and upset, "Don't. It's okay. I'm proud of what he did and I wouldn't want it any other way. I don't blame you." I smiled genuinely at him and put my hand on top of his as it rested on the table. He jerked it away as if by instinct but I didn't take it too personally. I could tell he was a broken man and didn't expect for him to accept my touch. He just stared at me sadly to which I offered a reassuring smile.

I asked him questions about my father and his personality as we ate, me ingesting my food and him barely touching his. Once I was done I dismissed myself for a quick minute to brush my teeth and then lead Snape to my room where he administered the potion as he did the night before.

She instantly falls asleep and he smiles at her sleeping form before returning to his own chambers.


"Mr. Snape, it's the girl," My eye's immediately shot open at the sound of Jax, a house elf, speaking to me.

"What is it?" I asked sharply, I was not a fan of being woken up.

"She's screaming sir." I immediately shot up out of bed and raced to her room where I allowed myself in, wand at the ready. She was pacing around her room, screaming and crying.

"What is it?!" I snapped at her.

"The tortoise is gonna steal my sandwich," She sobbed as she looked past me.

Night terror. I walked up to her and grabbed her, pulling her close to my chest. This was what my mother did to me when I suffered from these as a kid. She slowly calmed down and I sat down on the bed, cradling her.

Eventually I was laying down with her next to me, she had finally fallen asleep. I shifted slightly to get up which woke Rose up. She turned to me confused.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"You had a bad dream. Night terror rather,"

"Okay but why are you leaving?" she asked as she moved closer to me and wrapped her arm around my waist before falling asleep once more, trapping me from going anywhere.

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