Chapter 16

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Tiffany POV

"I mean he says he's not doing nothing but I don't know, maybe he's telling the truth." I took a sip of my champagne.

I set up a lunch date while I was on my lunch break from work with Kwan, Brooke, and of course myself for the afternoon. After being here for about a good hour I figured I at least let them know about what I've been dealing with for the past few weeks.

Thank god for them because I needed a girl talk since there was no else to talk to. I couldn't go to my mom because she would want to kill Dre right then and there and Lauren was automatically out of the question.

"Well do you believe that Dre had something to do with it?" Kwan asked with a worried look.

"I don't know. Why else would I get a call like that?" I shrugged.

"Hell I say you set up your own bank account and start planning to leave him. You better do how Tasha did Ghost." Brooke lifted her glass and then drunk from it.

Kwan shook her head and laughed but I was still confused.

"Who the hell is Ghost and Tasha?"

"Girl you don't watch Power?"

I shook my head.

"Well maybe that's why you acting like you don't know what to do right now. If you watched you wouldn't be asking for our advice."

"Girl forget about what she's saying I'm pretty sure if you guys keep on talking and figure it out your situation would eventually be handled , until then we're gonna sit down and have a nice lunch and talk about the good things that's happening in our life okay?" Kwan held my hand.

"Right so how have you ladies been?" Brooke asked

"Well besides dealing with Dre and work, life isn't that bad. I just let Lauren stay with my mother for a while because she needed her "space"." I said doing quotation marks with the word space.

"What space do she need? She got her own room, that she be enough. This exactly why I ain't fit for kids and why I don't have none because I would not know how to act. Thank you Lord." Brooke lifted her hand up shaking her head.

"Or could it be because you can't find a man." Kwan tried to mumble putting her hair behind her ears.

I gasped and lifted my eyebrows. I looked at Brooke as she had her mouth in the form of an "O" shape. Kwan looked up confused as if she didn't say what she did.

"What?" I shook my head not wanting to be apart of it.

"Don't sit there and say what like you just didn't say the shit you did." Brooke shouted.

Kwan laughed lightly. "Brooke you know I did not mean it like that girl. It's nothing but love over here." Kwan tapped her hand.

Brooke snatched it away giving her a stank look and rolling her eyes.

These two were always going at it.

"Tiffany you better get your friend."

Kwan smirked. I knew this was her way of messing with her because we all knew that it was hard for Brooke to find someone who can tolerate her.

"Maybe we can hook you up with someone. You ever tried blind dating."

"It's not that, she just need to calm her attitude down and then she'll find a husband. She ain't getting any younger." Kwan sipped her drink throwing shade like it was sunny.

I putting my hand over my forehead shaking it.

"I don't have to take this you know? And why do I have to change who I am. Why can't I have somebody Love Me For Me, like Andre did Tiffany."

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