Chapter 17

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Lauren POV

"Okay get with your partner and you may start the activity." My teacher said going back to her desk.

I sighed and turned to Devin. He smiled getting out his notebook.

"So you know what to do, right?"

He nodded his head.

While doing the project I couldn't help think about the dream I had of him the other night. It was weird yet my mind kept going back to it.

Watching him do the project I got a good look at him and started to come up with the reason maybe why I was having that dream.

He wasn't a bad looking guy. In fact he was very attractive.

I bit my lip out of habit and looked down at the paper.

"Hey I thought we were supposed to be partners." He laughed lightly.

"Coming." I mumbled and went to do the work.

About ten minutes of doing the same thing. We finally were finished and just had to copy the work onto the poster board.

I felt his eyes staring at me and immediately got irritated and nervous.


He smiled and shook his head.

I rolled my eyes. Why do boys do this. They look at you and then when you catch them they act like they didn't do anything.

The bell rung dismissing the class. Since no one finished it the teacher said we can work on it some more tomorrow.

I grabbed my bag walking out. I waited on the side for Amanda to come out after. She was flirting with her partner acting like she was cute and so innocent.

"Can you hurry up please?" I yelled at her.

She smacked her lips and got her things walking with me.

"Yet you so called like my brother."

"I don't see what's wrong with him doing his shit and I do me. As long as he and fucking nobody else than we're good." She smirked.

"Well sorry to tell you but he was hugged up with that Puerto Rican girl Melanie yesterday." I lied to her.

"Who?" She stopped us and asked with a look of seriousness.

"Melanie Ortiz. The one with the snatched waist and big ass. That one."

As if on cue the time when we were walking into the cafeteria the Melanie girl was walking out.

Amanda saw her bumped her hard with her shoulder.

I raised my eye brows.

"Damn what the fuck." The girl said as she looked at Amanda confused.

"What?" Amanda snapped back.

"Yo Manda just chill. I was just joking."

She gasped and held her hand over her mouth.

"Sorry girl, wrong person." Amanda said giving her an apologetic look.

The girl just shook her head and walk away.

"See why you always playing Lauren, about to get random people beat up." She rolled her eyes after giving me a stank look.

"It is not my fault that you are so possessive over a boy that doesn't even talk you-"

"Now you know that's a lie because we just talked the other day when threw the football at me. And he apologize and you know Kyren don't do that very often. Hmph." She stated proudly with a smile on her face.

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