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The wind clawed at my clothing. I had forgotten to braid my hair again, and it whipped and stung my eyes. The air that rushed passed me was freezing cold. I hugged my arms to my chest and squeezed my eyes closed, shuddering and gasping for breath.

The laws of gravity did not apply. I had been falling for hours, and yet I kept gaining speed. Terminal velocity did not exist. Perhaps velocity itself did not exist. When I opened my eyes and mouth for breath, the wind quickly filled them with my hair. I choked and snapped my mouth shut again.

My heart was beating faster and faster. I was inexplicably afraid. It's not as if I would hit the ground. I never did. I always woke before the ground even came into view. But tonight, I was afraid, and I could not calm my fluttering heart.

I tried to tell myself that tonight would not end differently than any other night. I would start awake in bed, arms covered in goose bumps, heart racing, breath coming fast. I closed my eyes again.

Tonight would be no different.

And then the ground broke my bones.

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