Chapter 4

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“First off, please welcome back Danny,” Weston said to the crowd of people in front of him, motioning a hand towards me. “Also, please welcome her cousin Beau Wrode.”

The crowd clapped with bright smiles on each of their faces. It was rare to see a pack meeting with this much people. It must be because the Crescent and the Stone pack decided to have today’s meeting together.

It was also rare to see that the two packs got along well. They sat together, making small conversation. The men shook each other’s hands while the women hugged each other.

All one hundred and seventy of us were cramped up in the meeting room in the Pack House. Everyone shared chairs, kids sat in their parent’s laps, the men stood to the side of the room. The representatives of the pack – such as Jarred, Weston, Eli, Jet, Jade, Abigail, Stacey, Charles, Dustin, Alex, Beau, and I – stood at the front. The only people missing were Darren and my mother.

The thought caused an ache in my chest, but I quickly shook it off. I couldn’t wait to see them after the meeting. It wouldn’t surprise me if I bolted out of the room before anyone else did once the meeting was adjourned.

“As you all know, I’m Alpha Weston Marshall of the Crescent Pack,” my mate said, smiling a warm smile towards the werewolves. My wolf soared with pride at the mention of her mate’s high title. He patted Eli’s back. “This is Beta Elliot Cooper.”

“I’m Alpha Jarred Hunter of the Stone Pack,” my best friend said and flashed a perfect smile. He motioned towards Charles. “This is Beta Charles Porter.”

Charles, Alex, and Dustin welcomed me home this morning. Although they didn’t really spend much time around the Crescent pack because they couldn’t really stand it, they were still great friends of mine.

I shot a warning look at Eli who looked like he was going to tear Charles into shreds. Charles rolled his eyes, still standing next to Abigail. “You better stay the fuck away from her, pup,” Eli whispered only so we could hear. Alex and Dustin growled at Eli, protecting their Beta as an instinct.

“Look, Cooper, Abigail and I are just friends,” Charles snapped. “I respect her decision to be with her soul mate. You have her now, so I don’t know why you’re getting your panties in a twist.”

To refresh your memories, Charles and Abigail were in a relationship and were still in a relationship fourteen months ago. A month after I left, Abigail broke up with Charles, telling her she felt that it was wrong to date somebody else when she was blessed enough to have found her mate. Charles let her go. Two months after that, Eli and Abigail started their relationship.

The Alphas shot a warning look towards their Betas, obviously telling them through the mind link that they needed to quit being immature.

After I left, I put a block up to hide what I was feeling and all my thoughts from Westin and the Crescent Pack. They didn’t need to hear my true feelings or my exact reason for leaving.

“It’s good to see all of you here,” Jarred continued. “We are extremely proud to be the Alphas of such a dedicated pack. I’m pretty sure you are aware of why we called a meeting.” There were a few slow nods, a blanket of fear and concern covering the people in front of us. “So, Alpha Weston will explain further.”

Weston cleared his throat, before saying, “A few days ago, we were attacked by hunters in the forest with weapons laced with wolfs bane. From our discovery, they were customized guns, spears, and arrows to take down werewolves.”

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