Chapter 5

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While everybody was doing something productive and fun, I sat outside on the porch steps. I’m not usually one to wallow in self pity, but here I was being a Debby Downer. It angered me that I was being so weak and vulnerable, doubting everything in life and being such a pessimist.

Although my resistance to talk about Weston, it did help beneficially. It made me open my eyes to the fact that I wasn’t completely at fault for my heart break at this moment. It took my mother to realize what everybody had been telling me, he didn’t have to get into a relationship just because I wanted a little break.  We were soul mates for crying aloud!

I missed him.

I missed his warm hugs. I missed our passionate kisses. I missed his teasing and his joking. I missed snuggling up next to him. I missed the sparks that flew whenever we touched. I missed his laugh. I missed his arrogant smirk. I missed everything about him.

What happened to us?

That’s right.

I ended it.

My hands itched to run through his jet-black hair, which he still wore short. I wanted to stare into his blue eyes forever, knowing that nobody else in the entire universe would feel the way I did when I stared into them. I wanted to kiss his soft lips, anticipating the tingles that would erupt throughout my body in the next few milliseconds. He was an addiction, like my own drug – like my own coffee flavor and you all know how much I love coffee.

Ugh, I am such a hopeless romantic!

‘You just lobe him,’ my wolf teased me.

‘You have got to be kidding me. You have to use that right now? Seriously? Thanks for bringing me down memory lane,’ I snapped, remembering the first time that Weston told me he loved me. Although it should have pained me, I couldn’t help the silly smile that crept its way onto my face.

‘He still loves you too,’ she whispered. My heart thudded against my chest before I laughed at her. ‘You don’t believe me?’

‘He has a girl friend and to think I was the hopeless romantic. You’re even worse.’


‘You’re so girly. Couldn’t you just growl instead of actually saying it? That’s like saying OMG instead of saying ‘oh my gosh’.’

‘I’m telling you, he still loves you.’

‘Right, that would be the day Paula Dean stops clogging her arteries with butter.’

‘You’re such a pessimist.’

‘And you’re a nosy gossip girl.’


‘You’re the one that’s a female dog … literally.’

‘Can you just make up with him? I miss my big dog.’

‘Ew, that’s what you call Weston’s wolf?’ I scrunched up my nose, before I sighed sadly. ‘I miss him too. I swear, it’s like I could smell him right now.’

His manly scent wafted up my nose, causing my wolf to purr in delight. I inhaled, drinking it up. My eyes rolled back in contentment and I moaned softly.  

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