C l i n g i n g t o S a n i t y

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The buzzing sound of the air

The steady rhythm of the clock

The sound of brushing my tangled hair

The birds on the trees that mock

Very dark clouds surrounds the place

The birds flew as they knew

The disturbing and irritating sound of grace

Formed a crack maybe one or two

In the hospital bed where I am,

No one seems to have humanity

Hallucinations, auditory and visual

I've got a hard time, clinging to sanity


This poem was written last 2014 when I was in 4th year High school. I was inspired by the book: House of thunder by Dean Koontz, one of my favorite authors.. I didn't edit any parts of this poem (I ALWAYS DON'T) because I like to preserve anything that I have written. The flaws in my poems are beautiful for me.. :D

Keep Rhyming!

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