P r o m i s e

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"Cross your heart?"

"Cross my heart."

He smiled and kissed your cheek. Then you would start to wonder, is what he said really true? Jealousy took over.

It takes you back from when he left you. With the same words, the same actions. Faith wavering, feet shaking, the fear of being alone.

You start to ask yourself, what good would it do to make him promise something you're afraid to be repeated? The things he once did that led to his undoing? The things that once made you cry countless nights. Is your love stronger than the fear it brings?

The feeling was permanent. Not until he promises. He promised to never leave you alone. To be faithful. To always catch you on your breaking point, to be with you on clod nights, to talk with you at night, to sing you lullabies when you can't sleep and to whisper good morning every sunrise.

And you, oh silly you,

You believed him.

What was the hardest thing you did for love? 

Mine was forgiving. :)

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