Worst nightmare.

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"H.T Amber." I was just getting out of my mustange from a long day at the shop, a tracker coming back from her run greeting me me her breath showing in the winter air.

"Hi Lease, wanna give me a hand?"
"Sure." I smile and hand her boxes of todays left over treats from the store, most of it sent to some of my workers homes as well as the soup kitchens to be handed out to the homeless.

We make our way into the pack out with our haul as we leave it on the kitchen counter and grab some turnovers and tarts for ourself.

Its been a year and a half since i officially joined the pack, becoming head tracker. Most of the pack calls me H.T or Amber, sometimes combining the two.

"I smell cheese cake." Dom's voice comes from the kitchen door and I freeze, putting the plate full of treats down and picking up the box that had gotten into the pile by mistake.

"This is mine." I say backing way towards the door.

"Give it to me Amberle." He was using his alpha voice and I pouted as I held it closer.

"No." I was the only one who could argue with him and not back down, the pack finding it amusing as we would get into it.

I backed up farther and he lunged like I knew he would, taking this as my chance to slide underneath him while he was in the air, hearing a crash as the door broke.

I got up and grabbed a fork before running out the room and to the safety of his office. I knew he would track me to my house and his office was the only strong hold in the pack house.

But my plans were foiled as a group of pups filled the stairs and I was quickly grabbed from behind, cursing as Dom's scent fills my nose.

"I should really thank you for making me as fast as you." He says laughing as he holds me bridal syle and carries me to his lazy boy recliner where I sat on his lap.

I hated the fact that I had trained him to be stronger and faster, matching me as my equel.

"Now are you gunna share?" He asks, his hands on either side of my waist.

"If I don't?" I challenge, feeling his fingers move and tickle me, making me squeek and wiggle as I try to break away from his grasp.

"Okay, okay, okay." I gave in as I carefully hold the box with our usual cheese cake with white chocolate. I had gotten him addicted to it and it became a constant fight to keep it to myself.

He takes my fork and I open the box, letting him feed me first, then watching as he ate.

We had become best friends since my birthday last year and I hoped that when my heart and the original mate bond had gotten over the rejection from two and a half years ago, he would become my mate.

The wolves already viewed me as a leader.

For an hour we sat and ate cheese cake, talking about the wolves who will be able to start training as hunters and trackers.

Since my first day, hunters and trackers trained together, each learning how to work as a team and learning skills from the other group.
We were talking about new names instead of hunter and tracker since they had become one big group and it was a debate between warriors and fighters. I like warriors better.

We were about to get into another debate when Syde, the beta, ran into the room, his face frantic.

"Alpha, an ally has requested help. There is a group or rogues attacking." He says frantically.

"What type of rogues?" He asked as he puts the box down and brings me closer to him, sending me into happiness over drive, although a small part of my heart still wanted Leo.

But it didn't hurt as much as it used to.

"Souless, there are about fifty five waiting for a chance to attack and their wolves are out of shape." Syde says as he runs his hands through his hair

"What pack?" This had me gripping the arms of his recliner as Dom asks his question.

"Forest Paw." He states and i start heaving for breath as memories flood to me. Starting with my parents deaths, the way I was beaten to a pulp by my siblings and other wolves when the higher ups were gone. How i was forced to train in harsh weather by the Head Tracker because that was my brothers mate who had made it his mission along with my sister's to make my life misserable.

I huged myself as the final memory came to my mind, my eighteenth birthday and the pain of the rejection.

"Whats wrong with her?" Syde came to my side and let me clutch his hand as I slowly calmed down.

"Thats her old pack." Syde was one of four that new about my past and how I became known as Fire Foot.

The men let me take deep calming breaths for a few minutes, settling against Dom when I was done.

"You okay?" He asks, brushing my hair out of my face. I nodd and breath in his scent.

"They want our best so that we can train them and have everyone prepared to fight." Syde continues, looking at me with sympathy.

"Its okay, I can do this. I am the best tracker after all." They both chuckle and we made plans. We would take only fifty wolves excluding the three of us and the Head Hunter, each ranging in skill. Twenty-five trackers and twenty-five hunters.

We went into Dom's office and I sat in the comfy arm chair by the window as we planned what we would do. I didn't want to know who was alpha since its been a few years so we kept it to the supplies we would need and what weapons we would take.

By the time we were done, it was night time and I was exhausted.

"I'm heading home." I say, stretching and turning to go.

"Good night Fire." Dom's voice was soft and I smiled.

"Good night Ice."

I leave the room and head into my car, the remaining pastries that I had kept for myself in the back.
I called Avery, my manager and a pack member, telling her the situation and that I wouldn't be there for at least three weeks.

I smile when my house comes into view. I would drive my own car with Dom as my passenger and lead the group.

I sighed, grabbing my suitcases.
Tomorrow I would be in my gear, the one my mother wore, and face my old pack for the first time in just over two years.

I dreaded it.

Once I was sure I had everything, I did a sweep of my green house.
Avery had a key and said she would take care of it for me and I was glad since I didn't know if the plants inside would last in this January weather with out care.

Once I was sure everything was fine, I make my way to my room and pass out.

The Rejection On The Full Moon [Rejection Series]Where stories live. Discover now