Tackled and Loved

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I woke up nice and early, careful not to wake Dom, and make my way to my room where I dressed in my usual tracker gear.

Since it was still early, I head down to the kitchen and make a big breakfast for the pack, the smell of baccon, hash browns, sausages, pan cakes, scambled eggs and home made chocolate chip muffins filling the guest house and having wolves wake up earlier to try and steal some.food.
But they stop everytime because I threw a kitchen knife at them, forcing them to duck and wait a supposed safe distance from me.

"Guys, turn off the lights and hide, today is Dom's birthday." I whisper once the food was set out on the island with all the condimemts that was needed.

They did as they were told and I smiled, hearing Dom's steps as the smell had woken him up.
A few minutes the lights were switched on and we all jumped out.

"HAPPY TWENTY-SIX BIRTHDAY DOM" We shouted as one, getting a huge grin from our friend and leader.

"Thanks, and judging from the smell, Amber cooked, didn't she?" He laughs out.

"If that wasn't an indication, then the knives on the wall are." Jeff said and Dom turned to where he was pointing.

I had a tendency to throw deadly objects at my pack when I was making something for everyone while the stupid ones tried to sneak food.
The only wolves I didn't throw stuff at were the pups. They got away with what ever they wanted when it came to me.

"Fire, throwing knives at people isn't nice." Dom mock scolds me with an amused smile on his face. All I could do was laugh because he was the number one person who had the deadly objects thrown at him and he knew it.

After Dome took the first two plates and filled them up, handing me one, the pack went nuts and nothing, not even crumbs, were left.

We all ate and laughed as I told them we were doing what we did yesterday, this time telling them.to wear their gear and pack lots of snacks.

Withing thirty minutes we were waiting on the training fields waiting for the Forest Paw wolves, a few already there and stretching.

I started leading the usual stretches we do and, to my surprise, some of the other pack members joined us. You could clearly tell the wolves apart from my pack to Forest Paw. They had track pants and mine looked like warriors.

At eight, everyone was there except for Mia.

"Leo, where is Mia?" I ask with mild curiosity.

"She quit yesterday after you tortured her." He says harshly, a small pain coming to my chest.

Only a few more month before I was rid of him for good.

"I did not tortured her, I made a deal with her that she clearly was not ready for. Therefore it is her own fault. Beside, there are better wolves then her in this pack that are competent. " I reply nonchalantly, taking out the pink scarf.

"Same rules as yesterday. We keep going until you take the scarf or until I say enough because I am practically starving-" that made everyone laugh and I sighed before continuing.

"-No shifting, we want to train your human form so that your wolf form can become stronger. Training only your wolf form will make your human form weaker. Now, ready?-" I looked around me at the wolves, smiling as they get ready to chase me.

"-GO!" And I was off, this time going at a speed that would push them.
My breath and my wolves were.still normal after a few minutes, like yesterday, but the other pack was having a hard time as they panted in the winter air.

I sighed and slowed down a bit, giving them a chance to catch their breath. They were doing good so far.
We kept running at a slightly father speed then they were used to, me keeping just out of their reach dodging attempts for the scarf every so often.

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