Chap 10

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"Nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first understood."
-Leonardo da Vinci

I felt hot molten rage build within me with tears falling uncontrollably from my eyes. Remembrance of my first kiss stolen by a guy I despised most and all of above the fact that I wasn't able to prevent that nasty act, was making me queasy. I was always a bold girl despite any situation, so even my conscience was blaming me for the act of helplessness. I was walking numbly in the hallway without realising where I was going.

"Hey are you Okay? Where have you been? I was worried about- Wait are you crying! Seriously Andy what happened? This is all due to that evil Stephenie, isn't it?" Clara asked with concern breaking me out of my trance.

I realised then I had reached outside my class. Students were coming out since class was over.

"Dammit for how long I've been like this" I muttered under my breath.

"You silly girl are you ignoring me? Would you stop zoning out for once and answer me properly'' Clara said shaking my shoulders, breaking me out of my momentary daze once again. "Please tell me if Stephenie did something to you. I know it's all due to me." She looked gloomy.

"No girl, please don't blame yourself. She did nothing. Instead I put her in her place" I said putting up a brave front, while in reality my heart was breaking. I didn't wanted her to be drown in self guilt, so I decided not to tell her about Mark.

"Then why are you crying?" she asked wiping my tears. Oh shit.

I hurriedly wiped my tears and said, "Don't worry, I'm not crying. Something just got into my eyes." I pretended to rub my eyes. "And I was stuck in some important official work that's why I missed my first class. You know drawbacks of being a newbie." I said trying to sound casual, but her eyebrows rose in disbelief. I was very bad at making excuses.

"Really?" She said, crossing her arms over her chest. She was giving me don't-dare-to-fool-me-I-know-you-are-lying look. Damn, fooling this girl wasn't easy.

"Argh, you are unbelievable, okay I got it I'm busted. But I've already missed my first lecture. Don't wanna be late for second one otherwise Mr. Hopkins will surely curse me to hell" I said pretending to be scared. She rolled her eyes.

"I promise I'll tell you at lunch. Can I go now pleaseee?" I said, giving her my puppy dog eyes. I was praying silently for her to fall for it. It had always worked on everyone before. And as expected it worked. Her expressions softened. I mentally high fived myself.

"Hey shut up don't give me that look. You know you really are a drama queen giving me a look I can't resist. Now get away from my sight or else I'll curse you to the hell before Mr Hopkins." She said rolling her eyes.

"Aww. You know I love you." I said hugging her lightly.

"Go already girl before I change my mind again, then tie you up and torture you infinitely for answers of my questions" She said in a threatening tone trying to keep in laughter.

"Hey I'm sure you can't do something like that. You are such a cutie pie Clar. See you at lunch. Bye" I said ruffling her hairs and running through hallways.

"Hey don't call me that. I'll get back at you. Bye Ands" I heard her voice across the corridor. Ands seriously.


"Miss Andy Davis you are late again. Could you please explain how you always manage to get late for this lecture?" Mr. Hopkins asked in a sweet tone lacing with sarcasm.

Yeah you're right, I was again ten minutes late for my class. But you couldn't blame me more when I had already embarrassed myself by accidentally walking into a wrong class, getting a weird look from professor there and becoming a source of laughter for those evil students.

"Umm. Actually sir I was struck in some urgent work so-"

"I'm letting it go for today but I hope you not to repeat it in future, understood! Now you can take your seat." He said cutting off my rambling.

Everyone was staring at me.
"She was the one at cafe", "I wonder how she's still alive", "That nerd's not gonna survive here much" I heard some faint gossiping, but decided not to pay any heed to them instead I started searching for an empty seat which I luckily found besides Liam. He smiled when his eyes met mine. I returned him the smile but it dropped instantly when my eyes laid on someone seated just behind him. He was staring at me amusingly. I took a deep breath to control the rage forming in my heart. Mark Winston you bastard I resisted the urge to shout in his face.

"Why in the hell is he so amused after getting a nice kick in his family jewels?" I muttered under my breath.

Ignoring all the stares from the class, and one specially from the devil I took my seat beside Liam.

"Hey Andy! nice to see to you again" Liam said gleefully giving me a breathtaking smile.

"Hey you mean nice to see you in really nice to see you way or nice to see you as in I-thought-you'd-be-dead-by-now-but-boom-you-are-alive kind of way?" I said pouting.

He started laughing and ruffled my hair "You know you are really cute. Obviously I mean it in first kind of way. And about that cafeteria thing I think you're really brave for supporting your friend. Only few have guts to do that. I'm so proud of you" he said adoringly.

"Oh I'm glad you think like that" I said blushing.

Oh god I wish I'm not looking like a red tomato right now. I was praying in my head.

"Wouldn't it be great if you all try to be quiet for twenty more minutes" Mr Hopkins said sarcastically specially looking at both of us. I was wondering why he didn't taught sarcasm instead of economics.

Poke poke poke I was startled when someone abruptly started poking me with a pen from behind. I rapidly twisted my head to caught the culprit. And as expected jerk Mark was the one bearing a smug smile. I wanted to wipe off those amused expressions from his face but I decided to ignore it. Poke poke poke poke and there begins poking again.

I was trying to control my frustration for last fifteen minutes now, but it was out of limits by this time. That jerk kept doing it repeatedly. I felt relieved when he stopped in between, but as soon as I started to focus on class he continued it again. I was extremely irritated by now.

"I swear to god if you don't stop that now, I'm gonna kill you for sure" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

And then realisation sink in I was still in the class, everyone was looking at me including Mr. Hopkins. Talk about being embarrassed.

"Miss Andy would you like to share reason for disturbing class with your abrupt shouting?" Mr Hopkins asked raising an eyebrow in annoyance. He was pissed by now.

"Sir actually-" I was cutoff by ringing of bell. Phew. I did a silent happy dancing. Saved by the bell.

"Miss Andy meet me at my office" Mr Hopkins said and went outside. I wasn't completely rescued but at least explaining myself at his office would be less embarrassing then in front of the whole class I thought. As I was lost in my thoughts someone bumped the corner of my shoulder with theirs. I turned my head with an irritated look and saw Mark giving me an evil smile, it looked more like a warning like he was plotting something against me. God, is there any moment this guy isn't planning my destruction? I just wanted to slap him so hard, but I stopped myself. He briefly passed a heated glare to Liam and went away.

"That jerk-"

"Don't worry Mr. Hopkins is an understanding person" Liam said interrupting me. "He doesn't take action against any student until they are proved culprit. He will let you explain yourself" he reassured me.

"That's a big relief. Thank you" I said smiling. Liam really was a very nice person.

"Umm I was wondering if-" Liam started but paused for the brief seconds like something was bothering him.

"Don't mind" He said hiding the fact he was about to tell me.

I wondered why he was acting bit tensed.

"You can tell me anything you want. We are friends now" I said reassuring him.

A relieved look crossed his features and he asked- "Would you like to go out with me sometimes?"

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