One Word. Five Letters. Two Syllables. Crazy.

28 4 2

Niall's P.O.V.

I starred at my phone once more looking over at my text I was about to send to Alexis.

To Alexis:

Be ready by 1 I'll come to pick you up for lunch

That sounds too demanding...I should add a smile.

To Alexis :

Be ready by 1 I'll come to pick you up for lunch :)

Better. I smiled while my finger tip hovered over the send button I let out a huff as my finger pressed down on it seeing a little green bubble send. I set the phone down and deicided to take a shower and get ready *ring ring* I silently hoped it was her but it was Liam calling "Hello?" "Niall! Management called for a meeting" "when?" "...Right now....Niall..?" "But I'm going to lunch with Alexis.." Liam kept speaking saying how he was sorry but we had to go but I just stayed silent.. "Niall..I'm sorry mate.." "It..It's Okay. I'll be there soon." I hung up without letting him speaking *ring*

From Alexis :

Okaay :) See you at lunch Niall

Guilt. Thats all that ran through my body at the moment. I quickly typed a message and ran my hands through my hair as I huffed madly.

Alexis P.O.V

From Nialler.. :

About that..I can't make it..I have something to do Maybe next time?

One sentence was all it took to break me. Of course why wouldn't I have seen this? He is apart of a Big Boy Band. I threw my phone againist the bed as my happy mood was now crumbled down into tiny pieces as I changed back to some sweats and some random t-shirt with my hair now pulled back down. I slumped down walking out into the hallway to the kitchen to find something to eat. After finding a half eaten sandwich in my fridge. How Nice. and no good food I deicided on some of the best food in the world aka cinnamon toast crunch. I would go shop later for food when I wasn't lazy. I propped myself on the couch and flipped the t.v. on when the doorbell had rung making me groan after I had sat down. I didn't bother checking who it was and just opened the door "What do you wan-" I wasn't in the mood to see anybody, but I was surprised to see my step-mother.. "Alexis." "Jenn." I didn't consider her my mom let alone step-mother. She was just a stranger to me in a big house full of perfect people.


"Look mom! I got a 100 on my math test today!" Jenn looked at me with cold eyes and opened her mouth "See. You should be more like your sister Jade. Shes the perfect role-model shes mature. well behaved. good grades. social. Isn't looked up in her room all day and is Pretty." The last one actually stung a bit, but I kept my mouth shut so I wouldn't get in more trouble Jenn gave a fake smile as Jade gave a snobby laugh "Mom's right." Calm Yourself Alex. I kept my cool and got up to put my dish in the sink "Don't walk away when someone's talking to you." I kept walking not even listening. "Alexis Drew Brooks. I demand you to stop walking." I stopped in my place seeing as she used my full name I turned around to see a smirk tugging on her lips "Now I taught you better then that haven't I?" She retorted with a smirk that I just wanted to slap off. "Yes Ma'am." "Good." She came closer until I could smell her horrid breath but I took a deep breath trying not to smell I mean the sight I had was just...horrid just like her breath. A sudden sharp of pain stung in my right cheek "Now go up to your room! and Let this be a warning to never walk away when someone's speaking to you, and espcially if it's me." The smirk growing big on her face, but I kept my face straight shwoing no emotion and walked back calmly to my room as I heard Jade laugh in the backround with Jenn. Well...Look on the bright side Alexis you turn 18 next week then you could move out. I smiled at the thought of leaving and just locked the door and hoped I could sleep the whole week through till my birthday.

*End of Flashback.*

I stood there with a blank look on my face as I waited for her to say something "I need money." My once blank face soon turned into rage "What the fuck?! No." She looked a bit taken back and opened her mouth once more "Alexis I am your mother-" "No your not." "Yes I am and I demand you to give me money." "No." "I have control of yo-" "I'm 18." I tried slamming the door but failed as she put her feet in the way "Move your Damn foot." a smirk appeared on her face as my urges grew strong to just slap her "You did always like the hard way...But sadly I will have my control over you once more and money." My hand twicthed feeling it just ready to slap all the layers of makeup off with her stupid smirk. ugh. "Move." I stayed calm but my inside's were screaming "LET ME AT HER!" trust me I would but I'm nice...when I want to be. "As you wish sweetie. But I'll be back!" She gave a smile and walked off. I quickly slammed my door before she came back and attacked me with her fake nails. The thought of the times where she would mistreat me came all into my mind as I shivered soon they ended as the doorbell rang I made sure to check who it was and saw Niall with flowers. Niall?

I opened the door to see Niall hold the flowers out "Sorry.." His cheeks turned red as I grabbed them from his hands and smiled. He Remembered. It was like if he was sidekick "I remembered Daisy's were your favorite flowers.." "Well I love them!" I smiled, but he started laughing "I...I like...Your shirt" he said between laughs as I looked down to see what I was wearing. My cheeks quickly heated "I'm gonna go change.." "Then we can have lunch!" He smiled as I invited him in and I went to go change.

A/N: Soon to be drama...with her and the mother...& other people...:) and the story will start to process but yeah. Hopefully you liked it so if you did just click that vote button! I tried to make it as long as I could 'cause lately the chapters were short and I hadn't updated in 3 days. But this chapter is dedicated to @mrsPSTHM 'cause she's just awesome. So yeh....Stay Weird. Byee(:

The Memory Of Us. (Niall Horan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant