Dinner for Two

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OK, to be sure, there were times when Julie asked herself if she made a good decision becoming a jungle girl. She was only human, after all. Even animals made mistakes. Most of it had to do with the weather. It was hot and humid all day and all night (well, it's not called a tropical rainforest for nothing), but thankfully it was a lot like Hawaii's climate. She'd grown to love it.

But as she crossed on a rocky outcropping near the northern shore of the island, she came across a familiar face turning and smiling at her. "Hello, Kaitan," she said to the man who helped turn her into who she is today.

Kaitan was mentioned to be a Tarzan clone in the last one-shot, but that's only part of the story. Technically, since he only came to the island by accident at age 17, he is not a Tarzan clone. But given his nature as a Jungle Dude right down to his loincloth attire, it wasn't hard to compare him to the one character (aside from Mowgli) all other Jungle Hero characters are held up to.

Of course, Kaitan was different in his own ways. Born Kyle Anderson in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kaitan was partially raised by native Polynesian culture, the Teo. I say 'partially' because well, he's a Tarzan clone, isn't he? Then again, that was Julie's description of him and although the 24-year-old Canadian loved her, that little nickname made him a little unhappy.

Another thing that made him different was his build. Julie's build also made her different, but she's not the focus. Kaitan was fit and strong, but he did not look like he came out of a bodybuilding competition or magazine. He was more like a smaller gymnast, and a little more realistic in muscle tone than a comic book superhero or jungle hero.

For her part, Julie did not look like a pin-up character. Oh, she was pretty and beautiful, alright. It's just that pin-up art of jungle girls is unrealistic. For one thing, her hair—which was flat and a bit stringy right now—did not look like she'd shampooed it for 45 minutes into a long, luscious look and she didn't wear make-up. Also, no, she did not have big boobs. Medium-sized, in fact.

But I digress.

She smiled and moved tucked a couple strands of hair behind her ear and walked over to her boyfriend, who was seated in front of a small fire pit cooking some fish. "I didn't think you were coming," the brown-haired Jungle Dude quipped.

"I got your message," she laughed. She sat down next to him and looked out over the bluff. She could see almost the entire island to the south and west, and the Pacific Ocean to the north. The air was a little thin, but it was still comfortable to breathe. And besides, it wasn't that high to begin with, maybe only a couple stories about sea and ground level.

But the expanse of untouched green stretched out for a long distance. This was the last "undiscovered" island (in quotes because the Teo Tribe lived here, after all) on Earth, and it was damn near hard to find.

The island is off-limits to travelers for many reasons (one being the most obvious, it's hard to find). That made it even more special. The jungle would be untouched for a long time. And with this being their home, that made it more special.

Home. She scoffed a laugh. "What?" he asked.

"I still haven't gotten used to calling this place home," she smiled.

Kaitan smiled as well. To him it wasn't getting used to it. If he had to leave, then he'd be forced to get used to calling that place home. He ran a hand through his thick brown hair and laid back. Freckles dotted his face and light skin. "You'll get used to it," he said.

"You always say that," she said.

"Because you will." He looked at her with his brown eyes and smiled again. This time she couldn't hold it in and laughed a girlish giggle, hiding her mouth from him.

"You're impossible," she said.

"And you still love me," he replied.

"Of course I do," she said. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, which despite what you might think, was clean-shaven. "Thanks for dinner, sweetie."

The jungle couple ate dinner in a perfect, peaceful silence gazing over their jungle home. It was in this moment that Julie realized that, in reality, she had no regrets about giving up on civilization. The green expanse extending out on all sides and the Jungle Dude next to her were all she needed in life. Sure, some people were fine in civilization, and she was fine with that. But for her, living in the wild with the man she loved was more than enough.

"What are you thinking?" he asked while chewing on his fish.

"That I wouldn't trade this for the world," she replied.

"Neither would I," he replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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