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I gasp at the force behind his fist, it has me convulsing. The guards have my body pinned against the wall so I am forced to bear the pain.

I know he did some damage, I can taste blood in my mouth and his fist hit the bloody gash across my stomach.

Pain sears through me and I want to scream but am suddenly distracted as Mitalonys tries to take over my body. In my pain, I can't hold him back.

I slowly feel myself lose control of my limbs until I can just see, hear and feel the pain that still courses through my body.

I let out a snarl and my chains are ripped free from the wall. I smash my fist into one guard's face and his body falls onto the floor, completely unconscious.

I take the other guard's head between my hands and snap his neck in seconds. The last guard runs towards me but I deliver a roundhouse kick straight to his head, making his neck brutally twist and then break.

I turn my eyes toward the Alpha, his eyes shining with shock. I knew that my eyes have turned a fiery color, as they always do when Mitalonys takes over.

"You need to let me go," I snarl, but it isn't my voice, it's my dragon's. His was much more terrifying than mine. It was deep, powerful, and sounded very animalistic.

"And why should I do that?" He replies, his voice sounding breathless.

"Because a lot of people are going to die if you keep me here," I tell him. He just a laughs making Mitalonys growl.

"Now why would that happen?"

"Dragons don't like being locked up," I snarl. His eyes widen in shock making me smirk.

"So you're a dragon then," he growls and suddenly the room is empty. I yell in frustration and bang my fist against the door.

Damn it Mitalonys!!! How could you tell him! I snarl, furious with my dragon for making me confess.

He would figure it out eventually, besides, even though he knows you are a Fire dragon, he doesn't know that you are a Fury dragon, he reasons.

It won't take him long to figure it out, I'm sure he has a book containing all the classes and species of dragons, I fume.

I growl at him once more before ending our connection. I turn to the door and try to open it up only to find that its locked.

Well what did you expect? They would just leave it open for you? Mitalonys scoffs and I roll my eyes.

I take a deep breath before yanking the door hard. I hear a snap and fall back onto my butt with a small cry. I look at the door handle in my hand and see the door still firmly in place.

"Who the hell designs a door like this?" I mutter when I see there isn't even a mark or hole where the door handle was.

A smart wolf who does not want you to get out, Mitalonys growls, angry at the idea of being trapped.

Do you think it's fire-proof? I ask my dragon who immediately has fire running through my veins. I take a few steps back and watch as a small ball of fire begins to grow in my hand.

I throw it at the door and the metal bursts into flames. I cheer in excitement for a few seconds before dashing through the melting metal frame.

I run through the prison, remembering the way I escaped before. Suddenly as I take a turn, my path is blocked by a dozen guards. Several darts immediately hit my body and I scream as pain instantly is burning through my veins faster than fire.

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