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My arms curl tighter around her, my hand running through her hair. She suddenly seems so small, so fragile.

I listen as her heartbeat and breathing slows. She is asleep in minutes.

"Wow, the dragon doesn't look so vicious now," Angel says, walking out of the castle.

"What do you want Angel?" I ask in annoyance. She raises her hands in surrender.

"Oh so now I need a reason to talk to my brother?" She scoffs.

"You do when I'm with my mate," I growl lowly.

She purses her lips. "Fine. I wanted to know when we are leaving," she says. I sigh, my head falling against the stone wall.

"I don't know, I can't leave Lyza. And this is her home, I can't make her leave that. I don't know what to do," I mutter.

"Your first duty is to your pack, then to yourself, that was in the oath you took! So we are going back to the pack, unless you want to relinquish your Alpha title," she spits.

I growl, my eyes changing color and canines sharpening. "Watch your mouth Angel, you may be my sister, but I am still your Alpha."

"Right, well I'm going to go pack. We are all leaving tomorrow morning, with or without you," she says, turning away and walking back into the castle.

I curse under my breath, feeling very conflicted. I look down at Lyza who stirs slightly in my arms.

"What the hell am I going to do?"


I hear a knock at the door and turn off the shower, securing a towel around my hips. I pull it open and see Lyza. Her eyes widen and she looks me up and down, biting her lip.

"You know it's rude to stare," I say when she remains silent. She shakes her head before returning her gaze to my face.

"Sorry. I just wanted to let you know that Angel talked to me and I want you to go back to your pack," she says. My grip on the towel almost slips in shock.

"You can't be serious?" I mutter, walking into the closet. I pull on a pair of shorts and return to see Lyza leaning against the closed door.

"It's for the best, your pack needs you and the sooner you leave, the sooner I will be able to start doing my duty," she says.

I walk over to her, the growl in her voice worrying me. It sounded more like her dragon. "And what exactly is your duty?"

"Repopulating the fire dragon race," she says and my wolf immediately takes over.

"Absolutely not. If anyone tries to lay a hand on you I'll kill them; you are mine," I snarl, closing the distance between us and pressing her against the door.

My eyes are glowing gold and I can feel my canines bite into my lip as I hold back another growl. Her desire floods my senses, instantly increasing mine.

Her eyes burn a fiery red and in seconds our lips are locked in a passionate kiss. Her fingers get tangled in my hair and I groan as she tugs.

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