Chapter Seven

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"Hey, ass-butt!"

Your head snapped to one of the doorways, Crowley's head moving to look as well. There, standing in the doorway surrounded by the still bodies of other demons, was Castiel, holding a blade covered in blood in his hand. Oddly, there was a bright light shining from behind him, and you could have sworn you saw black wings protruding from his back.

You weren't sure if you were going crazy or something, but he looked heavenly. You might have been hallucinating, so you tried to ignore it, but it was hard. The pain in your stomach dulled, and you found it hard to keep your mouth from drooling. You were soon snapped out of your trance, however, because Cas came walking towards Crowley in large, swooping steps, a threatening glint in his eyes. He walked right up to Crowley, holding the blade up to his throat.

His voice was like a saviour. "You're going to go away, and never lay a finger on her again. Do you understand?" Cas said, pressing the blade further into Crowley's neck. Crowley nodded silently and the next second he was gone, just like that. You looked around wildly, convinced that he was going to reappear somewhere. But he didn't, and you breathed a breath of relief as Cas untied you from your restraints.

You rubbed your wrists, them being sore from being bound. You attempted sitting up, but the movement triggered pain in your stomach again, and you groaned.

"Shh... Don't move too much..." He said, helping you lie back down. You did lie down, but noticed that Cas was hurt as well, blood soaking his trench coat in his side. You sat up again, ignoring the pain and Cas' protests.

"You're hurt too..." You stated, making him acknowledge the gash in his side.

"It'll be okay. You need more urgent attention." He said, cleaning up your wounds. You gulped, watching Cas work diligently to help you. His crystal blue eyes looked like oceans and you were sure to get lost in them, his hands working quickly to bandage you up. You slowly stood up, looking up at his eyes. He gave you a small smile, which was returned by you. Suddenly, you two were in very close proximity, noses merely inches apart.

You gasped suddenly, however, because you remembered Sam and Dean were still in their cells.

"Sam and Dean are still stuck!" You walked over to the door you came from, Cas opening it for you. Sure enough, Sam and Dean were both still there, happy to see you.

"____! Cas! Thank God, we were worried you were dead and then we were stuck here!" Dean exclaimed, a relieved smile on his face. You smiled and spotted a set of keys hanging on the wall, most likely for the cells. You grabbed them, and with little difficulty found the right key and opened the cells. All four of you stood in an awkward circle for a few minutes, not knowing what to do now.

Sam decided to break the silence. "So, uh, Cas. How'd you get out of the holy oil?" He asked. Cas simply looked away.

"I had help." Was his only response. More silence followed. You groaned, your head spinning.

"Can I go home now?" You asked, looking about the empty, cold warehouse. Your eyes wandered to Sam and Dean. "You know, since you did drag me on this... adventure against my will." Sam looked at you with suspicious eyes.

"But we still don't know what you are. Why should we let you go?" He asked. Cas stepped up, setting a hand on your shoulder.

"She's not a demon. Don't worry about it." He said. The next second you didn't see the warehouse, but your living room. You looked at Cas, a small smile on your lips.

"Thanks for bringing me home... and... stuff." You said, shuffling awkwardly. "How can I show you my gratitude? Name a price." You asked, moving to your kitchen to grab your wallet. Cas shook his head.

"I have no use for money." He said, pushing you wallet down. You thought for a moment.

"Then at least stay for some wine." You said, grabbing a bottle. But then you remembered your torn up shirt. "Oh... And I should probably change... I'll be right back." You blushed and ran up to your room, grabbing a new shirt and slipping it on. You turned around and yelped, Cas in the doorway. He looked down and you smiled softly, walking towards him.

"Your alcohol is not to my taste. I should leave." He said. You pursed your bottom lip in mock hurt, moving closer to him.

"I'm sure you can stay~" You crooned, wrapping your arms around his neck and moving so your noses barely touched. A second passed before Cas moved in, pressing his lips to yours. The kiss quickly more passionate, and you felt a fire rise in the pit of your stomach. You two broke apart due to the need for air, resting your foreheads on each others'. His pupils were dilated to the point where you could barely see his bright blue irises. You kissed him again, shoving his trench coat off his shoulders. He pushed you onto your bed, the soft mattress hitting your back...


Dean angrily gripped the steering wheel, looking out the window with a cold stare. "Son of a bitch... Did he have to just leave us there?" Dean asked, more to himself than Sam, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Hey Dean... Did Cas seem like he was hiding something to you?" Sam asked, earning a shrug in return.

"Yeah, definitely. But let's not worry about it for now." Dean replied. "I need my pie."

Castiel x Reader: Not What You ThinkWhere stories live. Discover now