Chapter Nineteen

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You shrugged, a smile forming on your lips. You revealed the knife from your back pocket, advancing towards him. Crowley then noticed the Devil's Trap, and cursed. You chuckled, circling around him.

"You killed my family, my child," You said, looking carefully at the knife. You lightly ran your fingertip along the blade.

"Do you really blame me? I get the feeling that you would do the same after having so much power for so long," He responded, really attempting to keep his cool. You rolled your eyes. "Plus, you practically are a demon now. Just as deceitful as the rest of us. I know you lied to your little angel boyfriend. There's no way he would have let you call me. You're just like us."

You felt a boiling anger rise in your stomach at his words, clouding your thoughts and judgement. "I AM NOTHING LIKE YOU FILTHY RATS!" You screamed, hurling yourself towards him. He tried backing up but was stopped thanks to the trap, and you saw a rush of fear pass over his eyes. You had sliced open his cheek, causing him to grimace as you tackled him to the ground.

You couldn't think straight, your anger and thirst for revenge overtaking all of your senses. You wanted to think about what Cas had told you, but it escaped your mind.

You raised the knife, right over his heart. This was it, the moment of truth. His eyes begged you to stop, but you didn't take pity. You weren't about to take pity. He was a monster, and you were doing the world a favour by getting rid of him. You would finally have your revenge.

The door to the storage room flew open and your name was shouted, but it was too late. Ignoring all the calls of your name, you drove the knife right through Crowley's heart.

The electricity crackled, glowing red instead of the usual yellow colour that flooded from other demons.

You were breathing heavily. Hands gripped you and pulled you off Crowley's body. His lifeless body. You laughed out loud, wrenching your arm from the grip that held you.

"He's dead! He's finally dead!" You yelled out, laughing even more. You turned around, seeing the horrified looks of Sam, Dean, and Cas. It didn't faze you. You were about to pull the knife from Crowley's chest, but was stopped by a blinding light that suddenly surrounded your entire field of vision. You felt your feet being lifted off the ground and then suddenly fell back to the ground, light gone.

You felt powerful. Dangerous. You looked at your hands. Nothing seemed different on the outside, but you could tell that something was definitely off. You looked back at the three others, slowly raising your hand and aiming at Dean. He flew across the room, causing Sam and Cas to shout out. You didn't get the chance to do anything else, because Cas started chanting something in Latin. It wasn't an exorcism, but something very similar.

Shortly after he finished you were engulfed in another light, then slowly pushed through the floor. You cried out.

"What's happening?!" You tried desperately to grasp anything to hold, to stay on the surface. You received no reply from Cas or anyone else, but when you looked up at his face once more you could see tears pricking at his eyes. And then they were gone.

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