Chapter 5 : Fate and Co incidence.

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Amanda's POV

Everything is ephemeral. What comes now has to go tomorrow. If you're poor today, you'll definitely be rich tomorrow. If you're facing failures now, success will knock you down soon. The truth is our life is subject to various variations.

I was in Starbucks with my java chip all alone at 11 am in the morning. Yes, it was a day off from college which meant I could totally focus on my office work for now.

I drank a sip of my favorite frappucino. I was all alone because I wanted some space for myself. I felt good, to be honest, for a while. I was out of all the drama and felt peace looking at the green and fresh environment outside the glass window.

"Are you okay sir?" a man with nerds and dense beards was continuously coughing right next to me. It looked like he was waiting for some people. He dressed quite casually. His facial features resembled someone very likely. I couldn't recollect whom. His side face gave me a gist of Mr. Reynolds but his presence here was quite impossible.

"Yes, Thanks ", he replied but seemed quite shocked while confronting me, like he didn't expect me here.

On unseating himself, he came right next to me. He smelled like someone I knew. Like Mr. Reynolds. But, his chin was quite hairy and it was beyond the bounds of possibility to grow such dense beards in one day. There could be more scents of the same kind, the company may manufacture. I diverted my mind which wandered totally about my devil boss.

"What are you doing here Miss Waters? " he whispered silently in my ears maintaining his rude accent.

I was completely shocked after hearing his voice. The weird man I doubted a while ago was no one but Mr. Reynolds, all dressed casually along with beanie and nerd glasses. He was definitely on a mission to deceit someone. He could really do anything for the welfare of his business.

"That's you?" I inhaled deeply. This wasn't a dream, it was real. He was real.

"Yes me! Dare you to ruin everything ", he warned with wide eyes. He yet looked great with nerd glasses and dense beards.

"Okay. I won't give a reason to complain. You made my exit from my favorite place easier than ever", I thumped my feet while possessing the standing position.

"Yes, go for now", he murmured. Suddenly, we were joined by a group of people all dressed in formals. Without a ritualistic invitation, they settled themselves on the vacant seats surrounding us.

"Who is this young girl, Mr. Steve ", one of the men from their group asked while looking at me. He watched me several times with cornered eyes before opening up the question. Mr. Steve? Yeah, maybe it was Mr. Reynolds's fake name which he projected for the meeting.

I kept silent for a while and refused to answer the question. I was aware of the fact that my mouth was garbage. It could either spoil his meeting to some extent or spoil his meeting to a greater extent. There's nothing in between.

"She is? Umm, she's my one and only wife", Mr. Reynolds aka Mr. Steve grasped me closer to him through my waist with his right hand and kissed me on my cheek tightly.

I could not resist the butterflies I felt in my belly. I blushed, a little. His hands were warm and his kiss was sweet enough to suffice for the sugar-free coffee. My thinking capacity came to a standstill as whatever his plan was, I, now was a part of it.

"Just a Husband - wife casual meet", he continued and I nodded with a smile.

"If it's a meeting, for now, I guess I should leave ", I tried running away from the situation.

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