Chapter 7 : Seduction Game Strong !

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Amanda's POV

I was doodling my signature on the last page of my history book. Well, it was the only thing that felt right to me because the history professor was a pure definition of "boredom". I sometimes wondered how in the world the fights which happened during the world wars were relevant to our day to day life. Like, I'm not going to throw a nuclear bomb at some other country. History was a complete piece of shit as according to me.

Then finally the bell rang and the lecture winded up. I hooked up with my best friends in our favorite place, the canteen, of course. Well, everything was good about this place. We could pour our hearts out to one another.

"You all wouldn't really believe what happened between me and Samuel last night ", Gina took a short sip of her coke.

"Says the virgin Mary", Francis stretched out the word virgin-a lot.

"Wait, did you lose it with him?" I questioned startled.

"Amanda ", Gina blushed stretching out the last word in my sentence.

"Oh, did you?" I questioned again, "And why the fuck, I don't have any idea regarding this topic?" I re-questioned again.

"It just happened Ammie, with the spur of the moment, we didn't plan on it", she side hugged me, "And I wanted to say this to you in person. I love you, you know right?"

I fake smiled as I was yet mad on her. "Treats on me ", Francis broke the short term silence."Speaks the millionaire", I sarcastically remarked.

"How is the hot boss? I saw his picture on the front page of the local newspaper and I couldn't take my eyes off him", Gina almost drooled.

"Says the taken girl", Francis teased.

Gina punched him slightly on his face and whispered "Our deep little secret", We both nodded like fools and then Francis started observing me for a while and then questioned, "Why are you not leaving his office when he is so annoying, I will talk to my father about your new job and trust me this is no kind of favor."

"Clause No 1 - In only the case of death, a contractee is detached from his/her duty", I made an air quotation and said with a melodious tone.

"What the hell, there may be some other way out", Gina interrogated, her brows furrowed

"Clause No 2 - Only on the permission of the contractor", I sighed and then continued "That's never going to happen"

"Then, make it happen ", Francis sounded evil whilst grinning.

"This is no Maybelline tag line France", I knew that there was no way out of this.

"Maybe you could force him to do it, annoy him to an extent so that he has no other choice", Francis started spilling out the beans of his evil plan.

"And France how can she annoy him", Gina interrupted, her expressions showed her level of curiosity.

"Let me explain that, you recently turned impure girl, don't try to break my focus ", Gina was frowning at his punch line but France didn't care and continued "So Ammie, what annoys him?"

Both of them started looking at me and I just said one word which summed up everything. That word was E-M-O-T-I-O-N-S

"So Mr. evil France, when he doesn't have any emotions, how can she play with it, by seducing him?" Gina had a 'whatever' expression and Francis's eyes widened.

"What a plan, Miss impure", Francis looked at Gina and then at me with an evil grin.

"Wha-at, I'm not doing that, what do you consider me, a local prostitute?" I raised my eyebrows totally dissatisfied with his plan.

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