[2.] Unknown Destiny.

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Samantha's P.O.V

As I walked out the coffee shop and looked up at the darkening sky, I dreaded the thought of going back home. I knew I would find Liz jumping off the walls excited for the night. Why did I even agree to go? Oh yeah, my job was at stake.

As I sat in the taxi waiting for my stop, I thought millions of reasons to try backing out for tonight but nothing came up. Helplessly, I paid the driver and got into the building going up the elevator to our apartment.

Before I could put my bag on the kitchen counter, Liz came dashing towards me, pulling me towards her room.

"Oh my God Sam! We have less than an hour before we have to leave and you know how hard it is to make you look beautiful." Liz said as she shoved me in the bathroom hinting me to take a shower by waving her hand by her nose.

Instead of answering back I obliged and showered for about ten minutes. Not forgetting to shave as Liz said she would shave my head off if I didn't.

As I exited the bathroom walking towards her room. She stood the by the mirror applying red lipstick on her lips. Staring at me using the mirror she pointed towards her bed.

"Get dressed in that, and hurry, we don't have much time slow poke."

Before looking at the bed I noticed that she was wearing a little black dress that hugged her hips and was mid thigh high. Her back was totally exposed. Her hair was pinned up in a beautiful bun with a bit of strands falling on her face. The mascara she wore made her blue eyes stand out. She looked really good.

Before I could turn around and look at the outfit laid out for me. Liz turned around with a smirk on her face.

"I know I look good Sam and you are a beautiful girl but I only date guys, sorry." she said and walked towards me giving me a pat on the shoulder.

"Even if I was not straight, you would be the last girl I would go for, no matter how desperate I was kiddo." I said and went to take the outfit on her bed.

Once I got a close look at it I shrieked. Who the hell does she I am? I mean yes my body was beautiful and all but I preferred to keep that secret to myself. The dress she picked out for me sticked on me like second skin, exposing every part of my body.

Yes the red dress was beautiful and all but it was way to short for my liking. It reached mid thigh and made my boobs look like they were about to pop like fucking balloons.

"Liz, I am so not wearing this. I mean look at me, I look like a hooker." I told her as I kept on turning around to give her full view.

"Just relax will you. In that dress maybe you will get laid because you seem to need it. Plus you look hot in that mind you." she told me as she grabbed a chair sitting me on it and started working on my face and hair.

After about ten minutes she was done and she clapped her hands marvelling at her work.

"Wow Liz, it actually looks real nice hey." I said with a smile.

"Yeah I know, I'm that good." she exclaimed and immediately took her things and throwing me a pair of black heels and we left the apartment as the cab was here.

Once we were in the car, she told the driver to drop us at Finesse Club and to step on it. In my head I was wondering what I just got myself into because there was no backing out now.

We reached the club and the was a long line by the entrance. Well because Liz knew the bouncer, we got in easily without waiting in line. When we walked in I heard music drumming in my ears and a crowd of people on the dancefloor while some were seated by the booths sipping drinks. Liz automatically dragged me to the bar and ordered two shots of their strongest vodka.

"Are you trying to get me killed?" I had to yell for her to hear me. She just smiled and turned towards the bartender and took our shots.

"Hears goes to an awesome night!" she toasted and we gulped down the shots.

The liquid burnt my throat and I coughed as Liz just started laughing as she dragged me to the dancefloor for some dancing. After about ten minutes, I could feel the alcohol kick in as I gained more confidence and began moving to the beat losing myself in it.

Once I began sweating I told Liz I was off to the bathroom and she told me to hurry up. As I was walking towards the door, I hit what felt like a wall and stepped back and saw the hot guy from the coffee shop. He glared at me then smiled as if remembering who I am.

"Oh excuse me for being so clumpsy." I said as I took a step back.

"It's okay. No need to apologize. Hey, aren't you the girl from the coffee shop? Early Rise right?" he asked.

He actually remembers me. Way to go Sam! Trying not to look like a dumb teenage girl and drooling right in front of him I nodded and began walking to the bathroom leaving him standing there.

Once I entered the stall and was about to close the door, I saw someone block the door with his foot. Just as I was about to say something he covered my mouth and shoved me in locking the door.

"You scream you die bitch" a deep voice said near my ear as chills went down my spine.

Fidgeting and trying hard to loosen his grip, I realized it was just pointless and helplessness engulfed me as I saw the worst fear know to girls flood my world.

As I tried to scream, it was pointless because they came out muffled. What came after that was a sharp pain on my head which made my head ache and my sight blurry and everything went black....,...

"God please, don't this happen." I thought as a lone tear fell on my cheek. That being the last I remembered.


Hey guys.

Short chapter I know but hey bare with me, I'm trying.

Please tell me if its going good and if there is something I maybe should add okay.

Thanks loves!!!!!!!!


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