[3.] Changes.

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Alex's P.O.V

"Did that just happen? No way! Did she just leave me hanging? Me? The most wanted bachelor in New York?"

For God's sake, girls literally throws themselves at me. Yet she does not even seem to be the least interested. This can't be possible. It just can't be.

Just as I was about to walk away from the bathroom entrance, I heard what sounded like a thud. Considering the fact that this mysterious girl was slurring I figured she might have lost her balance or something. Fighting with myself, I ended up deciding to check if she was okay. I knocked but no one answered so I tried opening the stall but it was locked. I bended over to see if maybe she was on floor but instead two pairs of feet the other belonging to a male. I felt my blood boil for some reason and was about to leave when I heard a faint "help".

I instantly kicked the door open and felt my jaw tense when I saw a man holding my mystery girl against the wall. She seemed to have lost consciousness because her body was weak and her eyes were closed.

"What the fuck man?! Get your own stall for fuck sake!" this guy screamed. I instantly punched him right in the nose and kept on going until he laid motionless on the bathroom floor, blood covering his whole face.

I clenched my hands trying to relieve the sting I felt on my knuckles stained with blood. I turned and carried her bridal style in my arms. I don't know why but I automatically felt possessive over and wanted nothing but to protect her.

I left the club not knowing if she came alone but that was none of my concern because all I wanted now was to get her out of here. As I drove my Audi A4 into the city I glanced at her vulnerable state and I felt my heart ache. This feeling new to me, so I just brushed it of and continued driving to my apartment. Upon arrival, I parked my car in the parking lot and rushed towards the passenger seat and carried her to my private elevator.

Once we were in my apartment, I walked up the stairs staring at her face as she laid in my arms. I couldn't help the feeling I felt in me just by the thought of having her in my arms like that. When I opened my bedroom door, I placed her on my bed and undressed her leaving her with her bra and underwear. As I marvelled on how beautiful she was, I had to try straighten my pants to try calm my hardening self. I went into my closet and grabbed my t-shirt and dressed her in it and covered her using the bed covers.

A smile crept on my face when I saw he snuggle into one of the pillows as she slept. Just by seeing that, my little Alex just got harder.


I went into my en suite bathroom and took a cold shower. After I felt like my hard on was done with, I turned the tap off and grabbed a towel covering my lower body. I walked into my closet and grabbed my boxers and wore them. As I climbed into my side of the bed, I had to fight the urge to hold her close to me, so I decided to turn my back on her and slept with her face in my head.


Samantha's P.O.V

"Owwww. God my head hurts." I mumbled as I placed my head on the area where my head was hurting.

I tried opening my eyes but it hurt. After a few more attempts, I was finally able to. As I took in my surroundings, I felt a shiver move down my spine. This was not my bedroom. Where the hell was I? As my eyes searched the whole room I turned and noticed I was not wearing the dress I was wearing last night. I was wearing a baggy t-shirt with nothing but my bra and underwear.

"Oh God, what the hell happened?"

I could feel my eyes water. I tried scanning my body but the were no bruises or blood stains, just the pain I could feel in my head only. Relief settled in but I was still terrified as to where I was when I heard a door open and a tall guy walking in with wet skin and a towel draped around his waist.

"You awake." he said. I took a look at who it was, fear pricking through.

Once he turned and looked at me with his grey eyes as a few drops of water fell of his blonde hair I recognized his face but confusion then anger took over me when remembered what happened last night.

"You bastard!" I spat as I tried to lunge myself at him but winced as the pain in my head paralyzed my every move.

"Me? Excuse me?! Is that the thanks I get for helping you huh?" he replied as he drew near me.

"Thanks? You were the one who walked in and held me against my will in that stall you asshole! Then you...." I tried cracking my skull but everything became blurry after that and I couldn't find the words to say.

"Me? I was the one who moved worthless piece of shit from you! I saved your ass from being raped! Think about it, if I did try that stunt there in the club, why would I bring you to my apartment and clean you up huh?!" he asked me anger evident in his eyes.

Come to think about it, he did have a point. Plus nothing was sore except for my head. That's when I remembered flashes of the events that happened. Me entering the stall, someone blocking the door, and then a sharp pain on my head and everything going dark. Oh no, instead of thanking him, here I was insulting him.

"I am sorry. Thank you for helping me." I said but still a bit suspicious about everything.

"I didn't quite get your name, you are?" I asked and gained a blank stare and a cold answer


"Thank you Alex for helping me out last night." I said with a polite smile. This gained me a nod.

"I am guessing having manners is a foreign language to you." he stated, taking a few steps towards me

"Excuse me?"

"You haven't told me your name."

"Samantha." I told him. He took more steps towards me. I hadn't noticed I had reached the head board of the bed as he bended in front of me cornering me between his arms.

"Well Samantha, because of the incident that happened yesterday I had to drop everything to help you out now you will have to return the favour, understand?"

Before I could answer him, he had left the room leaving me flushed and speechless not knowing what the hell just happened.


Hey guys

I hope you enjoying my very first writing. Please comment on it and don't forget to vote please!!!!!!

Love you guys


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