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Don't you think that Uncle Elbert has given us an unusual present Jon?" Lyanna asked her brother as soon as they retired to their chambers. It was already dark and the moon has risen in the sky, the small feast for their name day has ended and all Lyanna wants to do was to lie on her bed and shot arrows tomorrow.

"You opened it already? He said that we should keep the gifts as secret and tell no one about it." Jon giving her his signature frown of disappointment and she just smiled apologetically. Apparently, she became excited about the old man's present that she decided to secretly sneak in her room and take a peek of what the man gave them.

Dragon eggs. She gasped when she saw them, she immediately asked the swordsman where he got such valuable object and he just says that an old friend gave it to him which of course she does not believe but decides that it was best if she won't ask him again, Elbert seems to be a bit edgy when asked a lot of questions. She respected him though and sometimes she almost felt like she loves him more than her father.

Lyanna Snow and Jon Snow were bastard children of Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell, Warden of the North. They were conceived during Robert's rebellion and they had no idea what happened to their mother if she was still alive or not, Ned Stark won't spare them the details even if Lyanna had tried to ask him for years now. When they were brought here, Lady Catelyn then hated them ever since their small bodies were brought inside the walls of Winterfell. She can't blame her though. Who would be happy to see your husband return from war after two years with babes in his hands?

"I was excited! But truly Jon, it is wonderful!" Lyanna exclaimed, she followed Jon to his chambers and the young man reluctantly tore the wrappings apart. Like Lyanna's reaction earlier, Jon also gasped as he saw the dragon egg inside.

"How did Uncle Elbert get hold of this? Did you ask him?" Jon arched an eyebrow after he recovered from surprise; he eyed the present suspiciously and lifted it to check.

"He won't tell me. I think the egg costs a fortune, it is rare to find dragon eggs after dragons had died centuries ago." She muttered and sat beside Jon on his feather bed. Jon placed the egg on the table beside his bed and sat beside her. She leaned her head on her brother's broad shoulder and looked at his face; Jon was also staring at her. "What?" She asked.

"Happy nameday sister." He said as he kissed her forehead. She just closed her eyes. Even if they were born bastards, Lyanna was lucky that her siblings had treated them kindly except perhaps for Sansa who was much closer to Lady Catelyn. Sansa was civil and cold when she talks to them.

"You as well brother." She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Jon blushed crimson and Lyanna chuckled. "We're not Targaryens Jon, stopped mooning over me." She teased and Jon ruffled her hair.

"That's a bad jape sister. And I don't moon over you; you're not the only beautiful girl here in the north." He said, apparently Lyanna knows who his brother is talking about. The young man has been eyeing Jeyne Poole everyday and sometimes Lyanna just shakes her head in amusement as she sees her brother's eyes following the steward's daughter's every movement.

"What do you think will happen to us Jon?" She then turned the topic into something serious. Her future was still a wonder, she was a bastard. She can't marry a Lord nor inherit lands or keeps. Jon on the other hand can be a knight. In her case, she'll be marrying a commoner, work in Winterfell or maybe just become a septa, which was her worst case scenario.

"I don't know sister." Jon said and he sighed. Their direwolves then whimpered on the corner of the room, a few days ago they have found them in the woods sucking on their dead mother for milk. After some arguments with their father's guards and Theon, they brought the wolves back and nursed them to health. Lyanna soaked a clean cloth on the nearby milk and pressed it on the mouth of her direwolf, Jon did the same.

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