Chapter Twenty-One

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Watching everyone getting prepared to go to a gathering together was possibly the most entertaining thing I had witnessed since the beginning of my existence. Levi spent his time on a phone, barking orders to some unknown being on the other line. And in between that, he was snapping at Miles who kept cracking jokes about his appearance despite their identical similarities.

I personally didn't have a lot of formal clothing that I liked to wear, but I did have a couple of dresses I didn't mind that were collected from Levi when he'd taken me out previously. I sat in a general living room, reaching down my leg to pick at the heels I had decided on. I was a bit clumsy, so the heel itself was rather short to save me from complete embarrassment.

When I looked up, Theo was leaning against a wall nearby, watching me intensely. I straightened quickly, a blush rising before I gave him a shy smile. He closed his eyes, tilting his chin downward as if dozing off while standing.

"How do you know you can't taste anything, Theo?" I asked unexpectedly.

"I just know," He mumbled shortly.

"Have you tried it?" I continued, unfazed. He chose not to answer this question, which told me he hadn't tried it at all. I frowned at him.

"Come on, Jax," Oliver called out the door impatiently before looking in at us within the room, "I'd say he's a damn girl, but Katia still got ready before him."

"That's because she's not a girl," Miles replied sardonically. "She's more like a blowup doll; only useful for one thing, if you know what I mean."

I abruptly stood, tightening my hands into fists and drawing everyone's attention. Miles only watched me from his spot in a far chair, obviously pleased by my reaction. I wasn't sure what exactly I had planned on doing, but the sudden anger in my veins was enough to guide my glare.

"I'd watch what I say if I were you, Kitten. I've got you next," Miles reminded me, his voice low and menacing. His words were threatening, promising painful trouble for me should I take a wrong step. Miles was the only one whose threats held a ring of truth in them. But still, I didn't fear him. If anything, the idea that I would soon belong to such a dangerous creature only served to excite that part of me that craved being the prey.

His threat did succeed in halting the sudden urge to curse him. I instead relaxed my fists, tilting my chin up defiantly before saying, "You're just mad because a blow up doll is the only action you can get."

There was a sudden burst of laughter from both Levi and Oliver, and even Theo couldn't resist a smug smirk to cross his lips. Miles, on the other hand, was unimpressed. If I had ventured a guess, I took the wrong step after all. My hands vaguely trembled with adrenaline as his stare watched me with dark intensity.

"Miles prefers to use pillows. He draws smiley faces on them and everything," Oliver teased with amusement, catching a glare from Miles.

"Go fuck yourself, Olly," He answered, but he finally seemed to relax a bit.

"Ugh, don't call me that," Oliver groaned, palming his face. He looked up when Jax appeared, dressed in an impressive suit. "Finally. Jesus, Jax, I said a club not a funeral." Jax didn't appear amused by his comment. When he looked at me, I smiled bashfully.

"Alright, let's go," Levi announced, reaching for my hand before leading the party out of the room.

For the occasion, Levi had ordered a limousine if only to avoid being crowded. I stayed by him, but I felt like a bauble caught in the waves of an ocean. Anytime one of them spoke, I was drawn to them with great interest and amusement before being distracted by another. I felt perfect bliss, being surrounded by those I cared deeply for.

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