my awakening

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I at first I wanted to do more research into therianthropy because I found it interesting. I mostly looked through Youtube at first. I then started reading up on peoples experiences and finding myself to relate to some of them (shifting, I can only be sure of experiencing sensory shifts in the past and maybe some weak phantom shifts but I am unsure). I then began to research ways on finding your theriotype. I did not meditate first but researched due to me being skeptical of whether meditation worked or not. From researching my behaviour I could only figure out that my theriotype was either from the canine family or feline family. I quickly thought about perhaps being a fox but because I did't feel the connection with red foxes that others had described when they saw their theriotype so I dismissed the idea. Though my behaviour was clearly similar to the red fox (due to silver foxes being the melanistic form of the red fox). I then tried to find methods of meditation. During the time of when I was doing most of my research and was on my first trip overseas, I went to New Zealand for two weeks. I then tried meditating (by this guided meditation ) At the part where it said you would meet and animal and ask it if it was your theriotype I did not see any animal, I was disheartened at this but then tried to meditate again a day or two later. My next meditation was just the regular way of mediation to see if I 'saw' anything, during that meditation I saw a fox running, the fox was black/grey with a white tipped tail (I had felt connected to the animal). I then went to googled and looked up 'black fox', I scrolled through the images until I saw a fox that matched closely to what I had seen (I also had felt a strange pull that guided me to click the image). That was then when I found out about silver foxes and did more research on them. I still did not join the community due to fear of being rejected and still being unsure whether I was a therian or even had a theriotype. Why being in New Zealand at the time was important is because I felt I guess you could say more fox like because of the weather being colder than here in Australia and because we got to go to some forests and see snow. I had meditated many times since then and have records of phantom shifts (tail and ears) and sensory shifts, which confirmed my theriotype for me.

everyones experiences are different

and if you unsure on your path of finding your theriotype/s feel free to contact me

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