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Time starting this 8:41pm.
Song listening to: 'What If I'm Right?' Get Scared.

I'm at my grandparents right now. I have been here for two days (counting today). They live up at Mt Tambourine which is around an hours drive from where I live. There is a walk and a clearing that people rarely go. It is really peaceful there and would be a great place to make a den. But I'm not staying here for long so I won't be able to make one. I will be going back to my home after tomorrow.

I tried meditating in the clearing today, it didn't work. There were too many random noises at random times (birds, sticks etc). But I did shift! I had multiple mental shifts in the clearing and faint phantom shifts of paws and fur. Since I was alone I ran around and pounced on moths and crickets, which induced shifts. The night before I had a faint shift of a phantom tail as well.

I meditated last night though, it wasn't very strong my I saw a  silver fox staring back at me. It was surrounded by snow and wasn't scared of me but I didn't move from my spot.

Ended at 8:50pm

The Secret Life of a Fox TherianTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang