Dragonwall Appendix

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Averaen and Evelyn: Leaders of Fort Edge. Lord Averaen was a King's Shield for King Tallek. However, when Tallek died, Averaen retired and took over leadership of Fort Edge. His love story was considered an anomaly, because he found his mate later than anyone believed possible. Many secretly believed he lied, and that Evelyn was simply a lover. But when she bore him a son, Dallin, none could deny the truth of it.

Bedelth: One of the six King's Shields. Bedelth's scales are shades of orange like a sunset. Bedelth is far more mysterious than the other Shields. We do not see a lot of him in the first couple of books.

Bennett: Ship captain of the Lady Faith. Bennett is charged with transporting Ice Metal from Port Ice to the ports of Kastali Dun. During his voyage, he encounters pirates, makes a pit stop in Squall's End, and eventually reaches Kastali Dun. Bennett was born in Oshea, but grew up in the Pauper's District of Kastali Dun. He has a particularly annoying but cute macaw named Beaky, who he found during an adventure in the Scattered Islands.

Berbik: The Dwarg discovered in the cell across from Mikkin's in Shadowkeep. Berbik is from Notroic, on the eastern side of the Northern Barrier Range.

Byron: Son of Davi and Emmy. Next in line to take over Fort Squall. He is the realized mate of Tamara Redwynn. He is also a wing-second in one of Fort Squall's Drengr-Rider fighting wings.

Caterina: A mage-in-training and lady of the court. She is the daughter of the traitor Stefan Rosen, who was executed by the king. Caterina has a vendetta against Claire. She is also suspected to be partly responsible for the stealing of Desaree Kindall's titles. She is currently scheduled to stand trial for her crimes.

Cyrus: One of the six King's Shields. Cyrus's scales are pearlescent white. Cyrus was sent on a secret mission to retrieve the remaining Dragon Stones from the Gable Forest when they were believed to be in danger. Cyrus fought Kane and bested him with his Mind Bender abilities. In so doing, he conquered Kane's mind. Even still, Cyrus barely escaped with his life. He traveled through the Kengr Gate and met Claire Evans. Cyrus once had a Rider before he became a Shield. Her name was Leeana, and she died during the great Ice Battle of Vestur. His soul and magic now rests with Claire, for he gave her the Gift by imprinting himself upon her being.

Dallin: New potential King's Shield. Dallin's scales are shades of violet and purple. He is from Fort Edge. His father is Lord Averaen.

Davi and Emmy: Leaders at Fort Squall. Davi is Reyr's twin brother, though Reyr is considered the older as he was born first. Davi's and Emmy's son Byron is their pride and joy. Like Reyr, Davi's line can be traced back to the Iron Clan, as we see in Talon the Black.

Daxton: A noteworthy commander for the king's army. Daxton was also Lady Saffra's fiancé. Daxton met Saffra at a younger age before he went off to the Gobelin Wars. Daxton was also Saffra's archery tutor. The two fell in love after he returned from the Gobelin Wars. He lost his memory during an attack from the Vodar.

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