Chapter 26 - The Gable Forest

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The Gable Forest

Claire sagged with relief the moment the Gable Forest came before them. The trees towered above them like sentinels, their branches stretching up to the sky as if giants themselves praised the heavens. Her heart fluttered as she gazed up with wide eyes. Within just a few seconds, a strong desire to plunge herself into its depths consumed her. Was it her eagerness to be cured of the Vodar's poison? To rid herself of the pain? Or was it something else entirely that established the feeling?

Just yesterday, the thought of venturing into the forest and traveling to Esterpine sounded like the worst possible idea. Absolutely absurd. Cyrus—on behalf of his entire kingdom—had insulted the Sprite queen and her people by demanding the Stones be returned. It felt almost humiliating to present themselves, on the run with their tails tucked.

But now? Now she wanted nothing more than to venture beneath the green cover that beckoned her. What had changed?

She looked at her companions. Reyr stood left of her, carrying Cyrus's shrouded body cradled in his arms. His forehead was furrowed. The same could be said of Koldis and Jovari, who also eyed the forest with uneasy disquiet. They stood silently, waiting on the brink of the unknown. She shifted her weight, impatient.

"Well, best get it over with," said Reyr, stepping forward.

They followed after him. She did her best to keep up, limping along as spasms of pain shot up her leg. With every step, she felt herself beginning to slow. Her breath began coming in ragged gasps as the pain deepened, especially when her companions increased their pace, nearly leaving her behind.

She gritted her teeth. "You three just go on ahead then," she called. "I'll catch up later."

Reyr gathered her meaning and slowed. The others followed suit. "We should keep our voices down," he warned, looking over his shoulder as they stepped into the shadows. Shadows that would stay with them for the entirety of their journey through the trees. "Best we not draw attention to ourselves whilst we are here."

"Who knows what we will find lurking within," Jovari muttered, giving the forest a dark look. Koldis said nothing and merely clenched his jaw.

This was the first time she'd seen them like this. Even when the Vodar attacked their camp, they appeared far more sure of themselves. What was so worrisome about a bunch of trees?

There are many things to fear within the Gable Forest. It is a hostile place for outsiders.

She snorted aloud, earning a stern look from Reyr. Perhaps her conscience was correct, but her heart disagreed. The forest was nothing more than a forest, after all. And part of her rejoiced to be here.

They soon passed beyond the trunks of the first trees, which were not nearly as thick as those that followed. Each grew larger than its predecessor. At first, the growth around them was sparse, but the density of greenery increased. Within minutes they could no longer see the light from where they had entered, but neither were they in complete darkness. An otherworldly glow permeated their surroundings. It was as if the air itself provided the illumination they needed.

The forest was very much alive.

A smile crept across her face, tugging at the corners of her lips. Happy tingles started in her fingertips and toes, before making their way up her arms and legs, until finally, joy reached her heart. What she was hard to explain. Like she wanted to dance. The nagging pain in her leg was hardly noticeable.

The others didn't share her sentiments. All three displayed tension as it rolled off them in waves. "I don't like this place at all," Jovari muttered not long after entering,

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