Writing Prompts

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Alright, here's a poem and a story prompt. Let me know if these are helpful!

Poem Prompt: Think about something or an aspect about your life that excites strong emotions in you. Put your thoughts into a Haiku; a poem that contains 5 syllables on the first line, 7 on the next, and then 5 on the last line. Haikus are incredibly short, but can hold loads of emotion. Try to say the most with the least.

Bring-Your-Own-Character Story Prompt: Take a character from one of your stories (published or unpublished, entirely written or only a few lines) and put them in the place that they would most like to be in. Your character may prefer a physical place, or he/she might like a place based on its number of people. For example, one character may wish to be in front of a waterfall, while another may just be content to be somewhere where everyone's giving them attention.

     Now take that place, and put your character in an awkward position. For example, if your character's dream place is to be in a quiet place to think, you could add someone sneaking up behind your character. This exercise will help you to better understand your character and make them seem more real. 

Save what you write! And if you want, don't hesitate to post your piece in the comments! Hope this helps with your writing!

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