Inspiration from Greece

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     Ok, so I've been reading about Greece in history. These are a few writing prompts taken from Greece! Enjoy!

Based on Legend - Iliad and Odyssey were books written by Homer about some myths about heroes and the gods. He took those myths, gave the characters personality, and wrote them into an adventure! Here's your challenge: take an old fairy tale, myth, or other story that seems illogical and make it into a story. For example, we all know that Little Red Riding Hood went through the woods to bring her grandmother some food. But why? According to the story, her mother told her to. Is Little Red Riding Hood an obedient little girl? Or did she do it because she was forced to? As you can see, there are lots of twists and turns that you can add.

Discover Your Character - The King of Troy has summoned your character to oversee the bringing in of the famous Trojan Horse. While bringing in the statue, your character discovers that their are Greeks inside the horse. What happens? When and how does your character find the soldiers? And why was he/she summoned in the first place? Answer each question either on paper or in your head then go from there. 

Poem Prompt - Write a poem with four lines and however many stanzas using the words "sea" (noun), "violent" (adjective), and "craft" (verb). 

Save what you write! If you like, you could post what you wrote in the comments below!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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