Chapter 3

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Chat heard his Lady approaching before she arrived, thankful for his heightened cat-like senses. He turned around to face her as she landed behind him, ready to greet her in a flirtatious manner, maybe throwing in a pun or two, but stopped when he noticed the thing strapped to her back.

That was definitely a baby carrier, he knew since he had just received one earlier that day. Now, had he been thinking logically then he probably would have clued in to why she might be wearing it, but the second he saw it his mind started to race with ridiculous reasons as to why Ladybug had a baby carrier strapped to her.

"M-my Lady..." he paused with a gulp, not sure if he wanted to hear the answer, "when did you have a...a..."

"It's not real!" She snapped, already knowing where he was going with that question. He couldn't possibly be stupid enough to think that at some point within the past couple of days she had a baby.

Chat's heart rate slowed down and he sighed in relief, of course it was a fake baby, why would it be anything otherwise? If Ladybug had a baby then that would mean she was probably in a relationship, and if Ladybug was in a relationship then it would surely be with him.

He moved around closer to her, taking notice of her eye roll as he peeked around behind her to find that it was indeed a doll sitting inside the carrier.

"This doll," he said, "I have one too. My class is taking care of them for a school project." He looked back to face Ladybug with excitement in his eyes. "Does this confirm that you're a student too?"

Ladybug stiffened, trying to think of an excuse. The thought of Chat knowing anything about her civilian life bothered her, even if it was only her age range. Keeping her cool, she gave him a smirk and pushed him away.

"I could have this doll for any number of reasons, it doesn't have to be school related."

She knew it was a bad excuse, and from the look in Chat's eyes she could tell he didn't believe a word of it, but at least she didn't confirm his thoughts.

Ladybug began scanning the city looking for the akuma who they had lost sight of when she arrived. While she was focused on the area below Chat went to get a closer look at the baby on his Lady's back. However, upon further inspection he realized that it wasn't just any baby, it looked exactly like his little Emma.

He lifted the baby out of the carrier, the action catching Ladybug's attention.

"What are you doing, we have an akuma to go after?" she snapped and turned to find him smiling happily while holding up the baby.

"She looks exactly like mine!" He stated proudly as if this was an amazing fact.

"Yeah, well these things only come in about four different designs, there's bound to be tons that look just like this one," she stated bluntly, did she really have to explain that to him. They should be more focused on their jobs at the moment, not on her doll.

"But do you know what this means?" Chat asked. He continued his point when Ladybug only cocked an eyebrow in response. "I choose to believe that this means we are fated together." He was beaming as if what he said made perfect sense.

Ladybug could only sigh at his statement and grab the doll back from him, placing it in the carrier once more. "How does this have anything to do with being together?"

He ignored her question and went on to ask excitedly, "does this mean you go to the same school as me?"

Chat was still on the topic of Ladybug being a student, no matter what she said there was obviously no other reason a person would willingly carry one of those annoying dolls around.

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