Chapter 5

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"Why am I not surprised," Ladybug stated with a bored look on her face as she watched the scene below her from atop the school roof.

The villain today called himself Dreamtime, and apparently she wasn't the only one who had a sleepless first night with their baby from Hell. This villain, who was akumatized due to his frustration from lack of sleep, had the powers to put people to sleep by shooting them with a beam from his right hand.

But that wasn't Ladybug's favourite part, no, what she loved the most about this villain was that whenever a student's doll would start crying his face would contort with rage and he would shoot a beam from his left hand, one which would vaporize the doll into nothing but tiny particles.

Ladybug really wished she could have had Emma with her, how nice it would have been to hear her baby's cries being cut short after being hit by his attack.

Normally Ladybug wasn't one to have such sadistic thoughts, but her lack of sleep was really starting to get to her and affect her thinking.

"Man, this guy is a nightmare."

Even with the powers of her miraculous, Ladybug's senses were still dulled from her sleep deprivation, enough to the point of not noticing Chat was with her until he finally spoke.

The two turned to look at each other and Chat was taken aback. His Lady's eyes were red and bloodshot, her hair was a mess and looked as though she had just thrown it into two sloppy pigtails without bothering to brush it. Although her face was covered by her red mask, he didn't need to see it to know of the panda-like dark circles that surrounded her eyes.

Ladybug noticed the face he was making.

"I had a rough night with my baby," she commented, "Emma refused to let me have a wink of sleep."

Chat nodded his head in the direction of the akuma.

"Just like Dreamtime I take it. Careful, you don't want to get akumatized yourself," he added jokingly.

Ladybug sighed and rested her head in her hand. "Why do I get the feeling that we're going to be seeing a lot more similar villains for the next week."

They were interrupted by a giggle and Chat reached behind him and pulled a doll from off his back. Ladybug hadn't been paying close attention to him before, but now she was able to see that he wore a baby carrier just like hers strapped to himself, and then her eyes locked onto the doll that he held. Blonde hair and blue eyes, just like Emma.

"Ladybug, meet Emma." He stated proudly. "I was hoping you would bring your Emma, maybe our daughters could be friends, or better yet, step sisters."

Ladybug ignored his last comment and the signature Chat grin that he was giving her, and instead focused on the doll.

"You weren't kidding," she commented, reaching for Emma, "she really is the same doll."

The second her hand touched the baby, Emma erupted into cries which caused Ladybug to flinch and Chat to wrap his arms protectively around his daughter.

"What did you do!" He snapped, taking a few paces back away from Ladybug with caution. It was the first time she had ever seen him recoil from her rather than try to embrace her.

"What...I didn't...nothing! I didn't do anything!" She shouted.

As soon as the distance between Ladybug and the baby was widened, Emma stopped crying. Chat quickly inspected her to see if anything was wrong.

"Emma is a very well behaved baby," he stated, eyes still searching the doll, "she wouldn't just cry without a reason."

Ladybug's stare hardened and she directed her attention towards the doll. When she opened her mouth her voice came out like a growl. " demon! You're just like my Emma, you're doing this on purpose aren't you! There's no way you're a doll!"

Parenting Assignment (Miraculous Ladybug)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz