Chapter: 1 The News

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It was Jan/2/3990 at 5:00pm in the afternoon, Astrological Scientist John Denver is stationed at the White Peak telescope array, He was finishing his delicious nutrient rich GMO bacon sandwich inside the control room,when suddently the A.I bleeped a screeching sharp noise that alerted John that the A.I found a unidentified object with a collision course with Earth . He looked at the telescope to see a large, metallic, object directed at his face. Then he realised that the object was a asteroid heading towards earth. He viewed three long ranged telescopes near his area and confirmed his observations.

He immediately glided his chair to the right to call the Whitehouse to alert the president of the United States. Within minutes of the discovery of the asteroid, everyone in the Whitehouse is on alert. The president of America rushed to order all observatories and sattalite arrays in America to make observations on the flying hunk of metallic rock, then he called upon a emergency meeting with U.N about the pressing matter that an asteroid is heading to earth. U.N headquarters contacted numerous delegates to discuss solutions. Delegates in every country came to New York to discuss the options for dealing with the asteroid.

The immediate flock of delegates in New York, caught the attention of news outlets everywhere! Although the meeting's purpose is unknown yet. There were heated discussion in the comittee between shattering the asteroid into a million pieces or a immediate evacuation of earth. There was also discussion of informing the world about the asteroid but that idea got rejected by numerous delegates.

Meanwhile, a mad space engineer Robert Burns has finished his creation which is a spaceship called S.S New Hope with latin written above that said Spes enim Humanitas, in his private dock that he aquired at 68 (3968) from his father; because he died from natural causes at an impressive age of 168.

He said: "someday doomsday will come and we (humans) need to evacuate earth". His ship can hold 8 billion people and sustain the people who are in the ship. It runs on Plasma, one of the most common material found in the universe, it can also sustain the whole population in it with the hydroponic section of his ship and it can sustain itself as long as essential materials are collected; which are water, plasma and nitrates.

All his hardwork has led him to this moment, that soon he may be able to recreate Noah's ark. To do such a noble cause to save humanity in a dire situation. He removed his leather gloves and face shield and went to his room to crack up some beer in his success. Many failures but he remain hesitant to struggle on but one day it will be worth it.

He later bragged about his achievement to his family and his friends, so he sent pictures of the craft that he took before going to go on a beer buzz. William who is Impressed with the work of Robert that he sent it to his friend that works for NASA. His family also enamoured about the spaceship that they posted it on numerous social media platforms.

Robert's friend Cherry Chellaston just received numerous pictures of the craft, she was wondering if this was photoshopped or not. So she asked Robert....

Italic text are from Cherry
Bold text are from William

Is this fake?

No it is not

Then who created this spaceship?

I received it from my friend Robert

How are you sure that this is not fake? It could be copied somewhere.

The schematics that I created for him decades ago match the pictures

Can I see the schematics?

Sure, although he may have altered some aspects of my design

Schematics.png appeared in her phone

There :P

Five minutes later

They are similar like you said

But where did he get the materials?

P12PC( Power 12 plasma converter) Engines are expensive, only used for hypothetical 'space trips' by private companies

Those are hand made ones, he just put P6PC Engines together to make P12's

Good point

Besides if he did get P12PC engines, he would be deemed a theif

Which is false because he is not added in the COK (Capture or Kill) list nationwide by CIA

Last time that I checked at CIA HQ he is not there per se

Okay then.. back to my office I go

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