Chapter 4 P.R.O.P.H.E.S.Y

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The P.R.O.P.H.E.S.Y organisation is a group of powerful people who controls most of the world, from powerful governments such as America, Russia and Israel, to major CEO's that have control of powerful conglomerates such as Microsoft, Samsung and Sony.

Their acronym stands for POwerful HiddEn SocietY (the capitalised letters are part of the acronym; Powerful hidden society) their name is based on a word prophesy ; which is a prediction of the future, in reference that they are powerful people that who can change the world easily and destroy threats that may disrupt their current plan for the world, to unite governments and corporations so that they can achieve a new world order.

Gary Barlow, one of the NASA team members that visited the S.S New Hope is part of the P.R.O.P.H.E.S.Y organisation, he immediately informed Galactic command about the vessel. They were indeed interested in the craft due to the enormous potential to save humanity in a dire situation. This ship is a good news at the right time, he sent pictures and specifications of the craft.

They immediately planned to either steal the ship or steal the schematics. Stealing the ship meant that they have the ship but it is more costly to do such action than stealing the schematics, in addition if they steal the schematics they can customise it to their own specifications.

They reluctantly selected the plan to steal the schematics, they first asked Gary to steal Cherry's phone for more information on S.S New Hope, then after that they would try to make a prototype version of the vessel which they would test it to see if it is suitable, afterwards they would load important materials on board the vessel and establish a new home and a new government.

They set different phases of the plan, which needed to be completed.

Phase 1: Find info on the S.S New Hope's schematics.

Phase 2: Bulid a similar vessel to the schematics, modify for the benefit of the society.

Phase 3: Test the new copied vessel.

Phase 4: Load the vessel with important materials needed for sustaining the trip onwards

Phase 5: Find a new Earth and establish a Social democracy like Denmark.

Gary is on the task, luckily for him it was hangout break day and Cherry has forgotten her mobile phone on the dashboard of the waggon that they used on their trip. Also Gary is responsible for handling the equipment after use, so he parked the vehicle and snatched Cherry's phone for information.

He also knew her password since he and Cherry were besties, BFF, shame that he has this secret. He browsed the phone for any leads to the schematics. After ten minutes, which sixty percent he spent on snooping on private information, he found the schematics from texts from William. He also found that the schematics was also in the gallery of Cherry's phone. He sent himself the schematics and deleted it on Cherry's side of text, so that his tracks are covered.

He did this because he knew if Cherry was back-stabbed, she wouldn't trust him again. EVER! He has seen people who back-stabbed Cherry before and she was furious about it that the person who back-stabbed her would receive a terrible reception from Cherry.

Then he took the phone and gave it back to Cherry who was delighted to see her phone back, she has been in paranoia ever since she left the vehicle. He then went somewhere private to send the schematics to the P.R.O.P.H.E.S.Y organisation.

They finally begin to modify the schematics. Since they were at a nick of time, the engineers scaled it down, although the ship is bulid-able within sixty days and can be tested for ten days, the passager capacity was only a million people, this posed a problem because they wanted one and a half million people, who are important, in the P.R.O.P.H.E.S.Y organisation, they would really think twice about who boarded the ship.

Due to time restraints, the High Command accept the plan of a modified and miniature S.S New Hope. Within hours, many conglomerates within the P.R.O.P.H.E.S.Y organisation began to contribute to the vessel, manufacturing and providing parts for the vessel. They thought that contributers would be evacuated to a colony in either Mars or Titan, much safer than the collision course of the asteroid towards the inhabited, watery, rock planet Earth.

High Command appreciate the generosity, but wasting precious time and effort for transferring companies are not worth the hussle. The companies does not know this yet, but soon this will cause a problem due to a rebellion against the P.R.O.P.H.E.S.Y which will hinder the testing stage of the craft.

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