Chapter 3: A personal encounter with hope

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Finally they arrived at the old abandoned base formely known as Area 51. It really is isolated and deformed, the old hangars were falling apart, the ones that does survive are covered in desert moss, A disk shaped object the size of a average house can be seen in one of the hangars, numerous brown wooden boxes; varying in size, cluttered the bumpy tarmac, and a grey,metalic, and square structure can be seen clearly. It has a garage door which is presumably the home of Robert in the eyes of the NASA crew.

Then a loud sudden noise caught their attention, a gear cranking noise can be heard for miles, and pebbles shook along with the fine sand grains. After thirty seconds of the unpleasant noise, a metal structure popped out of the ground similar to a elevator.

Then he emerged from the underground elevator, he walked slowly like he has all the time in the world.
He finally was perpendicular to the NASA team

"Greetings, I am Robert and I assume that you came here to see S.S New Hope, am I right?"
"Yes" Shouted the rocket scientists
"Come on then, step on my handmade elevator"

They finally arrive at the elevator, they took three minutes to arrive down to the underground hangar. It rocked steadily the entire time when they were there, It gave them the chilling sensation that this may fall but it didn't. It took long to get down, so to bypass time, Cherry asked a question

"How much money did you spend in this facility?" Asked Cherry.
"Approximately ten quadrillion American dollars" He replied.
The hefty amount drew a shock and awe which can be clearly seen in their faces
"That's quite a fortune, where did you get those funds?" Asked Sheryl.
" I used my personal money, been selling a lot of patents which are inventions that I invented" He replied.

They arrived bellow, first impressions of the place was a cold, dark, metallic box, down bellow that is claustrophobic and it is very concealed that a loud echo can be produced. It wreaks a strong stench of gasoline, numerous crates lay around the corners of the establishment.

Robert pulled a lever that activated a circuit board which activated the light above, the light reveals the size enormous space concealed by the dark, numerous shiny nuts and bolts glittered across the floor like an obvious mine field, numerous tools dangles the west wall while the eastern wall has a door in it which leads to his private "chillax room", it is also a panic room if some catastrophe happen ;such as a random explosion, and the master piece, erected in the middle, surrounded by metalic scaffolding. It looked like those Titan II missiles used in the cold war but four times as huge, or bigger.

Although hard to see, the craft is covered in a light plastic sheet similar to plastic bags used in supermarkets,
Above they can see the tip of the ship barely hitting the top which is a missle door, iconic and similar to the Cold war's silo blast doors.

Robert pulled a lever to pull out the plastic sheet mechanically, the motion was so slow, like a sloth crawling from branch to another. Then another to pull down the cluster of metallic scaffolding, then four hidden arms arise from the ground to hold the craft slowly, Moreover it had tracks to move closely to the ship until a loud click is heard.

"The ship is ready for exploring" said Robert, and I will be your guide to the ship.

They saw many interesting things such an apartment which is compact yet habitable, six times as small as a typical American house, they try it out and it's comfortable and space efficient; just the right size, they said,

The efficient water filtration system that could filter all impurities that are harmful, it can even filter objects; preferably anything that is a pathogen, that are 500nm (nano meters), even though the smallest pathogen about 50nm which is a virus,

The ship is also resource efficient, 95% of the waste products are reused and not wasted, which is better than any other resources efficient thing in the world, the highest is 80% efficient to resources and that goes to Sweden due to their Environmental friendly power production and early investment in renewable energy sources with Germany; during the 21st century,

The hydroponic section of the ship has fifty multi-crop plant that can produce all fruits and vegetables, even meat can be produced! It can bare food in under four hours, it can regrow easily with more nutrients if it is damaged somehow, it is the pinnacle of GMO technology,

The humongous super computer with storage that can store every information that humans had known, which is 100 Omega Bytes; 1 Omega byte = 1024 yotta bytes, huge amounts of data storage yet it is the size of a filling cabinet and this ship have five of these monstrosities, 500 Omega Bytes of storage,

It has its own internet so that there is no need for telephone companies to ripoff the survivors on the journey for a new home,

But the thing that excites the NASA team the most were the four P12PC (Power 12 plasma converter) engines which are much more reliable, compact, lightweight and very fuel efficient than the commercial variety produced by private companies.

The NASA team were happy with their new discovery of an easy to make P12PC engines which are better than the commercial ones. Robert is happy to share the blueprints of the P12PC engines; unknown to them, he is developing a new Plasma engine, the P24PC engines which is even more compact, powerful and fuel efficient although the current prototype is heavier. These engines are the ones that will be put on the ship.

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