Chapter 9

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"Carter look at me" he commanded. I didn't want to but, I felt like I had no choice right now. It was just him and me here. I slowly and nervously looked up. He gave me a reassuring smile. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of green and it helped calm me like always. His hands came up cupping my head gently as he held the eye contact.

"I promise on my life, I won't let anything happen to you. Don't ever forget that" he whispered out not breaking the contact. Even though it was a caring statement, I could still feel the stern and powerful tone in his voice. He was serious. That's all it took for me to believe it though. I didn't have to ask how, why, when- nothing. I knew he would protect me, care for me, and loved me. It was so comforting.

We never broke eye contact as his hand gently brushed against my cheeks causing a warm rush inside of me. A rush like no other. A rush that could change everything at any second.

My heart sped up at the contact but, I didn't move. I just let myself take it in, let the heat from him run through my whole body. I wanted the touch, I craved it more than I could physically explain. All I wanted was his touch. He leaned in a bit waiting for me to meet him. As much sexual tension rose between us, he still waited for approval to take that next step. It actual comfort me making me want it more.

I closed the distance quickly pressing my lips to his only making the urge to have him worse. I wasn't going to be able to stop until I was satisfied. Once I gave him permission, he took all control I thought I  had. He held my head in place as he kissed me letting his tongue run over my bottom lip and just as quick as I opened my mouth, his tongue was sliding in and he was pulling me closer.

As one hand went to the nape of my neck the other was going down and under my shirt. I nearly came at the feel of him on my skin, the warm feel of his fingers on my heated skin. A low moan escaped my lips and instantly I was pushed on the bed.

He was on top and his breathing picked up as he pressed me into the mattress. My fingers went right to his curly brown hair gripping hard. He groaned into my mouth as his hand went to my waist and we continued getting more intense. We rolled over and I quickly pulled my shirt off needing this more than anything. Foreplay wasn't needed at all, I was already soaked for him.

He pulled me down crushing his lips to mine and I instantly started grinding against him earning a deep growl in the process. But, the growl only motivated me more. It made me want to be more dirty, more raw for him but, he wanted to be in control. He quickly rolled us back over pulling his shirt off and next he was unbuckling my jeans ripping them off so animalistic, so lustful.

He kissed my lips again then trailed down to my jaw and neck nipping the mark and suddenly, I screamed as I felt him bite into my neck roughly.

I shot up in my bed with heart pounding against my chest, shaking and sweating. Fear, anger, confusion swirled but, the feeling overwhelming me was a need for him.

Did I just have a sex dream about Cameron?


I stayed in my room the majority of the day hoping I wouldn't see him. I didn't even know what to do. I don't even think I could look at him after last night. The dream was intense, it felt real and I didn't do anything to stop it. I was ready, I was practically begging for him.

I kept trying to tell myself it was just a dream over and over but, I couldn't shake it. The feel of everything... All I could think about at this moment was me on top of him, him crushing his lips to me with so much force and desperation.

To make things worse, he could sense my feelings. I was scared that he would sense how my feelings changed because of him.

Did that mean he sensed how I felt last night or could he only sense when I was in danger or something?

I was praying for the second one but, I was still nervous.


I peeked out my room happy no one was in sight. I just wanted to take a shower not that I really did anything but stay locked up in my room though. Today, thankfully, Sarah didn't come by. She would have drug me out of this room and I don't think I was ready to face him. I don't think I will ever be.

I made it there quickly and took my shower relaxing at the warm water on my skin. Maybe he wasn't even here, he's always taking care of things throughout the day. Let's just hope for that. No, let's just hope it wasn't in the hallway I needed to go through to get to my room. That is it.

Once I got out, I stood there trying to listen for anyone and got nothing ready to make a run for it. I took a deep breath holding everything to my chest tight enough so I didn't have to chance to drop anything and was out.

I looked out in front and started walking quickly then turned my head looking for anyone behind me and the next second, I ran into something kind of soft but hard and warm. I jumped a bit and instantly pulled away looking into green eyes.


I was panicking yet feeling this warm feeling filled my body.

"She finally comes out her room" he joked and I smiled looking down chuckling nodding. "Sorry about that" I said backing up refusing to look in his eyes or even look at him. I was pretty sure I was making this worse for myself but, I didn't know what to do.

It went silent for a second causing me to look up a bit and I noticed all he had on was sweatpants and a towel in hand. I swallowed hard speechless at the view. His body was sculpted as if God spent extra time on him when he was created. He was perfect from his pecs, the six-pack and to his v-cut, little veins could be seen right above his sweatpant which might I add, hung low in his hips. His nice tan skin just made him that much more... beautiful. I've seen nice bodies but, Cameron topped them all.

"You okay?" He asked taking a step closer as I stood there wanting- needing to move far away from him but, I couldn't. My body was fighting against that now "Hu- Yeah I'm fine thanks" I said out quickly looking up to see a smirk on his face. I hated it.

"Really? It looks like you have something to say" he stated and I swallowed hard trying not to even look at him anymore but, I couldn't. "Well I actually wanted to thank you for last night" I quickly said trying to play cool but, he was messing it up.

"No problem Carter" I shuddered at the way he said my name. It was so seductive and low and hit me hard. I couldn't even really respond so I just smiled hoping to stop this conversation before it crashed and burned.

"Or should I say mate" he joked and I laughed looking to him feeling a shiver run up my back. "Still trying to get used to that..." "Take your time, there's no rush" He reassured and I nodded playing with my hair in silence trying not to stare at his body. Jesus? Why are you doing this to me?

We stood there for a few seconds in silence when I realized.. I was still in my towel! I instantly panicked moving and starting to walk. "Guess I'll talk to you later" I quickly said walking past him. "Hey Carter?" He called out and I turned to see him still smirking watching me.

"How did you sleep last night?" he asked and my heart dropped down to my stomach and on to the floor "Good" I quickly said hurrying to my room.

Did he know? As much as I would hate to admit, the smirk on his face screamed yes. He wouldn't just ask that and look that way if he didn't know anything. He sensed it. He sensed the want and desire.


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