The Raven Man Ritual

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I was unable to find out anything about The Raven Man's origins; I was, however, able to find two different versions of the game: One you can play alone, and one that requires three people. The three-person version is a li------ttle sexist - the rules stipulate that one of the players must be a "virgin girl" intended to function as a symbolic sacrifice, while the "incanter" must be male - so if that gives you pause (it did me), then you may want to stick with the one-person version. In either event, though, I've provided the instructions for both; each required a good deal of cleaning up, but I believe the instructions I've put together here to be the clearest and most precise versions out there. Once the Raven Man has been summoned, you may ask anything of him: Questions for information, tasks for him to complete; and so on. Be careful not to ask too much of him, though; he does not take kindly to being used.

Ravens, of course, have long been believed to be ill omens. Carrion birds are not often looked upon kindly; as such, it's perhaps unsurprising that many cultures associate ravens with death and lost souls. They're also, however, sometimes considered very wise, indeed - which, when combined with their less-than-savory reputation, may account for the Raven Man's dangerous nature.

As always, play at your own risk.

One-Person Version:


1 principal.


1 quiet, dark room.
» It is recommended that this ritual be performed in a non-urban setting, as any light pollution may cause unintended and unfortunate results.

1 can of Salt

5 candles

1 box or book of matches or a lighter

1 sharp object capable of drawing blood.
» Such as a needle or knife.

1 candle snuffer (optional).

1 talisman or object of protection.
» Cross, rosary, saints coin, etc.


The Summoning:

1) Begin at night, ideally on a cloudy, moonless one.

2) Prepare the room: Draw the curtains, ensuring no light leaks in from the outside, and turn off all lamps and other light sources. Keep your object of protection with you at all times.

2) Draw a circle with the salt. Do NOT step inside the circle.

3) Line up the five candles up in front of you.

4) Using the matches or lighter, light the first four candles in sequence.
» While lighting them, recite the following incantation (lighting one candle per line):

"On this dark nightI call on the Raven ManAppear before me here and now

And do my will."

5) Using the sharp object, pierce your finger until it bleeds.
» Touch your blood to the fifth candle and recite,

"The flame is my beacon, the blood is my sacrifice."

6) Light the fifth candle.

The Main Event:

1) After you light the fifth candle, the Raven Man will make his presence known, although he will be confined to the interior of the salt circle. You may be able to see him; however, it is more likely that he will remain unseen.

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