Chapter 5: Smells Sweet

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Chapter 5: Smells Sweet
Klynn Blaire (Fahren)

I bought the contacts at Walmart since it was the closest store here. The store was pretty empty since a lot of people work at this time of day.

I went straight to the pack house after I exchanged paper for these eye things. I know the concept of them but I don't know what their purpose really is. Is it for aesthetics? I guess as long as it does what I want it to do it'll be all good.

I rolled over on the bed to look at the clock. School isn't let out for a while so I should stir up some havoc. I'm extremely bored right now. I did what Klynn told me to do. Which was buy the contacts. Next step is to put them in my eyeball and hope for the best.

I grabbed my crutches and started walking to the bathroom that's connected to my room. The only good thing about this place is my own floor. The people who suggested this should get praised. No loud moaning, orgasms, or anything else I don't want to hear. We wolves are horny creatures not gonna lie.

I looked at our reflection and we kinda looked like shit. Klynn has light brown hair with blonde highlights which is extremely messy right now. I don't know how he got blonde highlights in his hair since he hasn't dyed it before. It could be an omega thing or some gene shit that I don't understand.

I think he fixed his hair in a quiff-like manner but I can't remember jack shit. It has been like 2 years since he actually made his hair presentable. I'm very disappointed in myself since I just usually just lay down in his mind watching his every move through his eyes.

Since I can see his every move I also see Klynn pleasure himself. I always make fun of him while he's doing it since I don't see what else I should do except rally him on. He never finds release with me awake and I make that clear to him.

I started fixing Klynn's hair the way I remember it. The result was not as great as I thought it would be. It's still messy but in the most part it looks like what I was going for. Now that I think about it, I look like someone he masturbates too. Maybe he got inspiration from the guy who knows.

I should go back to school. Klynn wouldn't want me ruining his record because I was lazy. It's tempting though, to just skip school and lay on bed. However, I got classes I need to be at. Right now it should be the start of lunchtime so I only missed a few periods.

I made my way halfway downstairs before a guy named Paul pushed me down the stairs. I fell on my broken arm but surprisingly it didn't hurt. Actually, it didn't feel like it was broken at all.

I took the cast off and moved my arm. What in the world healed my arm? It couldn't have been Klynn since he's to preoccupied with the antidote. Did Linda give me drugs or some shit when I wasn't looking?

"Watch where your going omega. Don't you have school you should be at?" He said all of the sudden. This dumb ass pushed me down the stairs.

"Fuck you. You old saggy bag of potatoes." I gave him the bird and he scoffed.

"At least I'm not a scrawny omega that grovels at everyone's shoes." I was close to punching him square in the face. Not all omegas do that. Only ones who are afraid of retaliation.

"Just go fuck yourself you old fart. I got school to go back to." I tried using my sprained leg to walk and it seemed perfectly healed. Now that I think about it I had broken ribs but they aren't broken anymore. Just what happened?

I could hear the him rushing down the stairs and before I could react he grabbed my arm. It surprised me leading to him punching me. It collided with my cheek making it flush red. I took the opportunity to get out of his grip and throw a punch of my own.

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