Chapter 14: Last Chance

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Chapter 14: Last Chance
Klynn Blaire

"I assume you're the one who summoned me? I haven't been reckoned in decades." The lunar goddess said with a monotonous voice. She was a bundle of light floating in the air, illuminating the dark crevices of the forest.

Kayden looked at me and scooted back a few feet away from me. I stepped on his foot earning a small whine from him. Now is not the time to back out.

"You stay," I said looking straight into his eyes. He gulped and nodded. I smiled at the clear victory and turned back to the moon goddess.

"I have been watching you since I assigned both of you as mates. I see there is a problem that wont get fixed anytime soon. You both are trying to ignore each other because of a mistake, or many mistakes made by one little alpha." Kayden scratched the back of his neck and lightly chuckled awkwardly.

"And yes, I know what you want from me, but before I do that I want you two to try and make up. Do whatever you humans do to show your romantic interest in them. Try and forgive, Klynn. I know your wolf is having a hard time he is just a very stubborn one that is." Without anytime to object she faded into nothingness leaving us behind in the darkness of midnight.

I could practically feel Kayden grinning at me. I rolled my eyes and started walking away.

"W-wait, where are you going?" I shrugged and kept on going. I really had no idea where this path would take me, but I might as well keep going. I'm not staying here any longer then I have to.

Kayden followed after me, his footsteps making a loud crunch on the leaves.

"Wherever you go I'm following. I did all my pack duties before this and I don't have to worry much because Quinn is watching over to make sure nothing goes wrong." He grinned knowing that I wouldn't have much to use against him.

"Let me make it up to you. Please." He kept repeating the word please over and over to the point where I kinda sorta accidentally punched his face. A part of me felt bad and the other part felt satisfied. He huffed and and turned around.

"If you shut up I'll give you a chance."

"Really?! I thought I would have to beg even longer. You know that I'm really sorry." I harshly tugged his arm in the direction of the pack house before he could finish. I just noticed how cold it is at night and I don't think I could wander around for long. I also don't want to hear more apologizing just yet.

"This is the right direction to the pack house, correct?" He nodded.

It seemed we didn't make it that far considering that we made it there under 5 minutes. I looked around noticing that there was no one around. Everyone must be sleeping or something. At least that's what I'm thinking.

"Let's go out, you know on a date." He looked at me with pleading eyes and it was just to tempting. My parents hate me and I don't have friends. The feeling of wanting to be loved overpowers everything I have worked hard to suppress.

"I thought you would at least wait a week or so," I said turning to face him.

"Time waits for no one! C'mon, if you don't give give me a chance we wont get anywhere and depression will probably set in and then death... I think."

"We don't even know each other and if we get killed by that witch I would at least want to know my mate better," he pouted. "Like I said I'll give you a chance," I said waving my arm around to prove the point.

I knew the moon goddess wasn't going to do anything about this since she always thinks she's right so it's better then nothing. I just need to stop thinking bad about him. He wants to try so I have to give him a chance. As much as I hate him I can't really hate him. I could never, and that's why I hate him, because I can't do it.

He pulled me away from the pack house to his car, parked neatly at the side of the road. It looked expensive and since I was living under a rock my whole life I didn't know what brand it was.

"Okay, I'm gonna be real with you and say that I already planned this whole thing out. I made my plan extremely flexible just for you." He grinned childishly, nudging me with his elbow. "So what do you say? I have a cliché date waiting for you."

"I'm flattered. I didn't expect anything other then a movie or something."

"That's it! We should watch a movie. We can cuddle, and eat popcorn, and I touch your hand... then we kiss! It always goes like that in romantic movies, right?" I couldn't help but laugh at him. Didn't think he was the type to watch those types of movies.

"Your're not disagreeing. We have to start somewhere and that somewhere starts at a cheesy movie." He opened the car door for me, quickly running to the drivers side after.


"What movie are we watching?" Klynn asked. "It's a secret. There has to be surprises in a date." Date. It makes me feel excited, knowing he'll give me a chance even if I messed up a lot in the past.

"I never been to the city, or even out of the woods. I've only seen this dirt road following into civilization." I saw him lightly caressing the window and I internally cursed myself.

"Now is your chance to see it. Not many werewolves go to the city unless for a supply run if we need it."

"I know that's a lie. We have to get money somehow. My parents used to work in the city since alpha was short-handed, but hey, good try." I groaned and he chuckled. "It's not like I hate you for my lack of knowledge of human cities. I was destined to get a job for the pack anyways.

"Not anymore. You'll be living with me in my bedroom forever... if that is what you want, of course." He contemplated it in his mind before saying something. "Will you tell me what movie we're watching now?" I smirked.

"It's a surprise for a reason." His eyes lit up when he looked at me. "I'll let you sit really close to me if you tell me." I feigned shock. "I thought I was going to snuggle up real close to you and we would talk about our interests, and oh, our hobbies." 

"Don't you think that's a little to far. I thought we're suppose to go on like a dinner date or something and get to know each other."

"You definitely have no idea on how to date," I said. "What did you think? I have no friends, therefore I have no partner. Never dated anyone, nor did I want to. I waited for my mate and look where it got me. No offence." Another tinge of guilt hit me. I was one of the many reasons why he didn't have any friends.

I'll make sure he wont regret giving me a chance. I have one more try at this. I fucked up the first one and maybe all the other ones, but this one will be my lucky one I hope. This'll be the last time I would have to try and win my mate over. He's suffered enough, I want only happiness for him.

"I'm not an expert at cars, but I think you have to start the car for it to start moving." I took another look outside and noticed we were indeed not moving. I scratched my neck and put the car into ignition. 

"Smart. You make situation awkward. That will get mate to love us. I will take mental notes." My wolf snickered at me, making me want to punch him, but that's not physically possible.

Laugh all you want stupid wolf. I have a relationship to mend.


A/N: I really just noticed I'm making the mating bond look really weak between them. Like this is technically my second story and I made a lot of mistakes such as not being able to really properly express a mating bond between two werewolves. There should be more love and trust, but maybe this is something I need to work on when making future stories. I'm also losing the will to write this story because in my opinion it's really messy, but I will finish it. I just might not tie all the loose ends together. I also decided that I wont be writing smut because it definitely doesn't fit with the story and I'm just gonna stick with it so.. R.I.P Kyle x Klynn.

I also can't make myself be mean to Kayden lol. I just can't punish him, I feel like that would be too cruel. Even if he's not real he's like my fictional child. However, Klynn wont accept him that easily.

Better late then never, am I right?


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